一项由英国政府委托调研的报告结果显示,如果人们再不行动起来对抗“超级病菌”的话,那么到 2050 年,平均每三秒钟,超级病菌就会夺走一个人的生命。此报告建议减少各类抗生素的使用。以下是 Fergus Walsh 的报道。
In the two years this review has taken, the team involved estimates around a million people worldwide have died from drug-resistant infections but it warns this could rise to ten million people a year – more than die from cancer – unless the world tackles the superbug crisis.
The report calls for a global public awareness campaign so that patients do not demand antibiotics when there's no need.
It also wants a major reduction in antibiotic use in farm animals. New antimicrobials are urgently required and it says there should be big financial incentives for companies that develop effective drugs.
Antibiotics are perhaps the most precious medicines we have. If they're to remain effective it will require international coordination to conserve their use and to prevent the spread of infections that fuel the rise of superbugs.