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    Boris Johnson has promised to reshape Britain as a “great global player” as he entered the Foreign Office, but some European politicians reacted to his appointment with dismay.

    鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)在就任外交大臣之际承诺把英国重塑为一个“伟大的全球参与者”,但欧洲一些政界人士对他获得任命表示愕然。

    Mr Johnson said that he had discussed post-Brexit Britain with John Kerry, the US secretary of state. “What he really wants to see, and I think this is the right thing, is more Britain abroad, a greater global profile,” said Mr Johnson.

    约翰逊表示,他已经同美国国务卿约翰•克里(John Kerry)讨论退欧之后的英国。“他真正希望看到的——我认为这是正确的事情——是英国在海外起更多作用,塑造更大的全球形象,”约翰逊表示。

    The appointment of one of the architects of the Brexit campaign as the face of Britain overseas caused knee-jerk astonishment across Europe, but there was relief from other quarters that political stability is returning to the UK after several weeks of chaos.


    Sir Peter Ricketts, who served as permanent secretary to the Foreign Office and ambassador to France, told the BBC that diplomats would “adapt to him very quickly” if Mr Johnson “shows he can knuckle down and channel that huge energy he has”.

    曾担任英国外交部常务次官和驻法国大使的彼得•里基茨爵士(Sir Peter Ricketts)对BBC表示,只要约翰逊“表现出他能够认真投入工作,发挥他所具备的巨大能量”,外交官们将会“很快适应他”。

    Mr Johnson proved a successful and energetic ambassador for London during his time as mayor, embarking on a series of overseas trips to drum up investment.


    In France, Jean-Marc Ayrault, foreign minister, said he needed a “clear, credible, trustworthy partner” to negotiate a Brexit. “I am not at all worried about Boris Johnson, but . . . during the campaign he lied a lot to the British people and now it is he who has his back against the wall,” he added.

    在法国,外交部长让-马克•埃罗(Jean-Marc Ayrault)表示,他需要一个“明确、可信且可信赖的合作伙伴”来谈判英国退欧事宜。“我一点都不怕鲍里斯•约翰逊,但……在公投宣传期间,他对英国人民说了不少谎话,现在他背靠着墙,没有退路了,”他补充说。

    Mr Johnson’s campaigning before the referendum could lead to awkwardness around the table when he arrives in Brussels. Carl Bildt, the former Swedish prime minister, said: “Their feelings would be fairly obvious. If you want to establish a relationship of trust with EU leaders it’s an uphill struggle of Olympic proportions.”

    约翰逊在退欧公投之前进行的拉票宣传,可能在他到布鲁塞尔开会的场合引发尴尬。瑞典前首相卡尔•比尔特(Carl Bildt)表示:“他们的感情会相当明显。如果他想与欧盟领导人建立互信关系,那将是一场奥林匹克般的艰巨努力。”

    Stressing the need for deep links with Britain, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel said she had invited Theresa May, Britain’s new prime minister, to Berlin. “I think that our task is to co-operate very closely with the governments of friendly countries,” the chancellor said.

    德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)强调有必要同英国建立深层次联系,称她已邀请英国新首相特里萨•梅(Theresa May)访问柏林。“我认为我们的任务是与友好国家的政府密切合作,”德国总理表示。

    Wolfgang Schäuble, the German finance minister, said Britain would need time to work out the relationship it wanted with the EU. “We must let Her Majesty’s new government have a bit of time to make the necessary decisions,” Mr Schäuble said. But he added: “It’s also important to point out that the quicker we succeed in creating clarity, the better it is to limit possible risks.”

    德国财长沃尔夫冈•朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schäuble)表示,英国将需要时间来处理好它希望与欧盟保持的关系。“我们必须让女王陛下的新政府有一点时间来作出必要的决定,”朔伊布勒表示。但他补充说:“同样有必要指出,我们越快成功创建清晰度,就越有利于限制可能出现的风险。”

    Mr Schäuble was speaking alongside Jack Lew, US Treasury secretary, who said it would be best for Britain and the world “to end up with a result which produces a highly integrated relationship between the UK and the EU”.

    朔伊布勒是在和美国财政部长杰克•卢(Jack Lew)一起亮相的场合发表这番言论的;卢表示,无论是对英国还是对整个世界,最好是“最终在英国和欧盟之间确立一种高度融合的关系”。

    Both men suggested that foreign leaders would be quick to put aside Mr Johnson’s behaviour in campaign mode now that he has taken up office.


    In India, there was hope that promises of more trade with Britain would materialise.


    “If you look at most of his writings during the Brexit campaign, there is always a strong thrust about how Britain can improve its trading partnerships with countries like India,” said Swapan Dasgupta, an MP in India’s upper house.

    “如果你看一看他在英国退欧拉票期间撰写的大部分东西,它们始终贯穿着一条强有力的主线,那就是英国如何能改善与印度等国家的经贸伙伴关系,”印度上院议员施瓦潘•达斯古普塔(Swapan Dasgupta)表示。

    “Britain will be able to have a greater commitment to its relations with India once the economic constraints of the EU are removed.”


    In China, Mr Johnson is seen as “unconventional and unorthodox”, according to Victor Gao, who once served as translator to Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese leader. There was also some concern at the exit, from British politics, of David Cameron and particularly George Osborne, who had enthusiastically courted Beijing.

    在中国,曾为中国最高领导人邓小平担任翻译的高志凯(Victor Gao)介绍说,约翰逊被视为“非常规和非正统”。中方还对此前热心迎合北京方面的英国前首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)和英国前财相乔治•奥斯本(George Osborne)——尤其是后者——退出英国政坛有一些担忧。

    In Turkey, however, a sexually explicit limerick Mr Johnson once wrote about President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has not been forgotten.

    不过,在土耳其,约翰逊曾经写过的有关该国总统雷杰普•塔伊普•埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)的色情打油诗没有被遗忘。

    “May God help him and reform him, and I hope he will not make any more mistakes and that he tries to make it up with the Turks,” said Prime Minister Binali Yildirim.

    “愿上帝帮助他和改造他,我希望他不会再犯错误,并试图与土耳其人修补关系,”土耳其总理比纳利•耶伊尔德勒姆(Binali Yildirim)表示。

      上一篇:卡梅伦一家挥别唐宁街 可爱小女儿成焦点 下一篇:美或敦促以外交方式解决南中国海问题


