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    At least 80 people were killed in the French Riviera city of Nice late on Thursday when a truck driver ploughed into a large crowd gathered for a fireworks show on France’s national holiday.


    “France has been struck on the day of her national holiday – the 14th of July, Bastille Day – the symbol of liberty, because human rights are denied by fanatics and France is clearly their target,” François Hollande, French president, said in an address to the nation.

    法国总统弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)在对全国的讲话中表示:“7月14日,巴士底日(Bastille Day),也是法国国庆日,自由的象征。这一天,法国遭到了袭击,原因是狂热分子拒绝接受人权的存在,法国显而易见是他们的攻击目标。”

    “The terrorist nature of this attack cannot be denied,” he added, saying that all of France was “under the threat of Islamist terrorism”.


    Dead and injured victims were scattered along two kilometres of the Promenade des Anglais seafront, local officials said, estimating that another 100 were injured at the Bastille day celebrations. As his interior minister said the death toll had reached 80, Mr Hollande said the dead included several children and as many as 20 of the injured were in a critical condition.

    当地官员表示,死伤者散布在沿着海滨盎格鲁大道(Promenade des Anglais)两公里的范围内,估计巴士底日庆典活动中还有100人受伤。法国内政部长表示死亡人数已达80人,奥朗德则表示死难者中包括几名儿童,并有多达20名伤者未脱离生命危险。

    Mr Hollande extended for three months state of emergency that was imposed after November’s Isis-inspired attacks on Paris and had been due to end on July 26 for three more months. France would step up its strikes in Syria and Iraq, he said: “We will continue to hit those who threaten us”.


    The truck was loaded with grenades and guns, according to Christian Estrosi, president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region and mayor of Nice until last month.

    根据克里斯蒂安•埃斯特鲁斯(Christian Estrosi)的说法,卡车上装有手榴弹和枪支。埃斯特鲁斯直至上个月还一直担任着普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蔚蓝海岸(Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur)地区的长官,尼斯市的市长。

    “This is the worst tragedy in the history of Nice,” Mr Estrosi wrote on Twitter. “The driver was behaving in a manner that by all evidence was structured and premeditated,” he told a press conference.


    A spokesperson for the French interior ministry confirmed that the driver had been shot and killed but denied early reports of a hostage crisis.


    The driver had driven at high speed into the mass of spectators on the Mediterranean city’s seaside walkway, Sebastien Humbert, a regional sub-prefect, told France Info radio. Mr Estrosi said the attack happened at 10.30pm local time.

    该地区次级长官塞巴斯蒂安•安贝尔(Sebastien Humbert)向法国信息(France Info)广播电台表示,司机驾车高速冲往在这个地中海城市海滨步行街上的观光者人群。埃斯特鲁斯表示,袭击发生在当地时间晚上10点半。

    Mr Hollande did not reveal the identity of the driver, saying investigators needed to establish whether he had any accomplices. The president, who had been in Avignon in the south of France at the time of the attack, was flown to Paris.


    Mr Hollande said he would fly to Nice after a meeting with his defence council on Friday. Bernard Cazeneuve, interior minister, arrived in Nice on Thursday night to help coordinate the response.

    奥朗德表示,周五他会在与防务委员会会晤之后飞往尼斯。法国内政部长伯纳德•卡泽纳夫(Bernard Cazeneuve)已在周四晚上抵达尼斯,帮助协调对袭击事件的应对事务。

    In a statement, US President Barack Obama condemned “what appears to be a horrific terrorist attack” and said he had directed his team to offer French officials “any assistance that they may need to investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice.”

    The attack came eight months after Isis militants killed 130 people in Paris, the bloodiest in a number of attacks in France and Belgium in the past two years. On Sunday, France had breathed a sigh of relief as the month-long Euro 2016 football tournament it hosted ended without an attack.

    美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在一份声明中,对这起“看起来是一起可怕恐怖袭击”的事件表示了谴责,并表示已指示他的团队为法国官员提供“在调查这一袭击并将责任人绳之以法的过程中可能会需要的任何援助”。

    Mr Hollande had said hours before the attack that the state of emergency imposed in November would not be extended beyond July 26.

    美国国务卿约翰•克里(John Kerry)表示:“今天在尼斯发生的可怕袭击,是针对无辜人群的一次袭击事件,它就发生在庆祝自由、平等、博爱的这一天内。

    “We can’t extend the state of emergency indefinitely, it would make no sense. That would mean we’re no longer a republic with the rule of law applied in all circumstances,” he had told journalists in a traditional Bastille day interview.


    Mr Estrosi had warned in the past of the risk of Islamist attacks in the region, following the Islamic State bloodshed in Paris and Brussels.

    周五在曼哈顿举行的一个活动中,美国共和党总统候选人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)“鉴于法国尼斯发生的可怕袭击”,推迟了对竞选伙伴原计划的公布。

    Officials were cautious about accounts from bystanders that the lone man driving the truck had also opened fire. Police called on people not to propagate rumours that were hampering their work.


    One woman told France Info that she and others had fled in terror: “The lorry came zigzagging along the street. We ran into a hotel and hid in the toilets with lots of people.” The Negresco hotel on the Promenade was turned into a makeshift hospital for the wounded.

    特朗普的民主党竞争对手希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)向福克斯新闻(Fox News)表示:“我们必须采取更多行动,认识到这是针对这些恐怖组织、这些激进圣战组织的一次战争。”

    Another woman told the station she was sheltering in a restaurant on the promenade with some 200 people, where things had calmed down about two hours after the incident.


      上一篇:美或敦促以外交方式解决南中国海问题 下一篇:共和党大会开幕日将着重于安全和移民问题


