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    We need political leaders with real world experience. Too many of those who govern us have never worked outside politics. It is a frequent cry. But if we think business leaders are the answer, Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, is providing a near-daily display of how hard it is to leap from running a business to winning elections.

    我们需要在现实世界里摸爬滚打过的政治领导人。太多的执政者从未在政治圈以外工作过。这是老生常谈了。但是如果我们认为商界领袖是答案的话,美国共和党总统候选人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)则几乎每天都在向我们展示,实现从执掌企业到赢得竞选的跨越是多么困难。

    There are two reasons. First, business leaders such as Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina, who have both lost elections, did not seem to grasp that holders of political office have less control over events than does a chief executive. While a business boss can hire, fire, acquire and sell, even the US president is hemmed in by the constitution and can be stymied by Congress, as the political economist Francis Fukuyama has noted.

    这其中有两点原因。第一,梅格•惠特曼(Meg Whitman)和卡莉•菲奥里纳(Carly Fiorina)等商界领袖(上述两人都曾在竞选中落败)似乎并不明白,公职人员对各类事件的掌控权没有首席执行官(CEO)大。正如政治经济学家弗朗西斯•福山(Francis Fukuyama)指出的那样,企业老板可以雇人、炒人、收购和出售,但是即便是美国总统也要受限于宪法,还可能受到国会掣肘。

    British prime ministers have more executive and legislative power but still have to accommodate rivals who might challenge for their job. The aggravation Tony Blair tolerated from his chancellor Gordon Brown? No chief executive would put up with it for a week, let alone 10 years.

    英国首相拥有更多的行政权力和立法权力,但仍然要容忍那些可能以挑战首相为己任的反对者。托尼•布莱尔(Tony Blair)面对自己的财政大臣戈登•布朗(Gordon Brown)曾一次次强压怒火。这样的状况没有哪位首席执行官能忍受一周,更别提10年了。

    The second and more important reason business leaders struggle in the political fray is that they are unprepared for the criticism, invective and ridicule they will have to endure.


    The press does sometimes attack chief executives. Politicians occasionally attack them too. Hauled before legislative committees, they react badly to the kind of questioning a political office-holder expects as a matter of course.


    Some respond truculently, as did British retailer Sir Philip Green when asked by a House of Commons committee in June to explain the shortfall in the pension fund of BHS, the chain he ran that has since gone bust. Or they blink into the bright lights of a televised hearing and stumble through their answers — which were the reactions of Starbucks, Amazon and Google executives when questioned about tax arrangements by a UK parliamentary committee in 2012, and US car industry chiefs when congressional inquisitors demanded to know why they had flown to Washington in their private jets in 2008.

    一些人表现得蛮横,英国零售业大亨菲利普•格林爵士(Sir Philip Green)今年6月接受英国下议院委员会质询时就是如此。(该委员会要求格林对BHS的养老金缺口作出解释;BHS是格林曾经执掌的连锁百货店,后来破产。)又或者他们在电视听证会的聚光灯下窘迫不安,结结巴巴地回答问题——2012年,当英国议会委员会就税务安排对星巴克(Starbucks)、亚马逊(Amazon)和谷歌(Google)的高管们进行讯问时,高管们的表现就是如此;2008年,当国会议员们要求美国汽车业首席执行官们解释为何乘私人飞机来华盛顿时,首席执行官们的表现也是如此。

    Few business bosses know what it feels like to face the vituperation endured by politicians or to be caricatured relentlessly. Steve Bell, the Guardian cartoonist, decided that David Cameron’s shiny pink complexion made it look as if he had a condom over his head — and he drew the former prime minister that way for years. Zapiro, the South African cartoonist, always draws President Jacob Zuma with a shower growing out of his head — never allowing him to forget that while on trial in 2006 for allegedly raping a woman who was HIV-positive (he was acquitted), he said he had avoided infection by taking a shower.

    没有几位企业老板知道面对政客所经受的那种谩骂是什么滋味,抑或被讽刺漫画恶搞是什么滋味。《卫报》(The Guardian)漫画家史蒂夫•贝尔(Steve Bell)认定,戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)光亮的粉红肤色看起来就像是头上套了个避孕套,于是就把这位前首相画成了这个样子,并且一画就是许多年。南非的漫画家Zapiro总是把南非总统雅各布•祖马(Jacob Zuma)画成头上长出一个花洒的样子——时刻提醒他记得,2006年他因涉嫌强奸一名HIV阳性的女性而受审时(后被判无罪),他说自己通过冲澡避免了感染。

    Politicians may loathe these depictions but they have to put up with them. Mr Bell says Mr Cameron once said to him “you can only push a condom so far” — which he wrote on the back of the moving truck in the cartoon he drew last month of the Camerons leaving 10 Downing Street.

    政客或许厌恶这些恶搞,但是他们不得不忍受。贝尔表示,卡梅伦曾经跟他说“一只避孕套的‘容量’是有限度的”(you can only push a condom so far)——上个月在画卡梅伦离开唐宁街10号的漫画时,贝尔把这句话写在了画中搬家卡车的车身背面。

    Chief executives, by contrast, are surrounded by managers and staff eager to win favour. Talking back to the boss does not get people far. Business leaders become used to the admiration but this can make them thin-skinned when outsiders criticise them. A retired business leader once called to yell at me for writing that he couldn’t take criticism.


    Politicians’ press officers try to bully critics too but those who successfully run for public office know they often have to let the brickbats sail by.


    Any political leader could have told Mr Trump not to attack Megyn Kelly, a Fox News female television presenter, by saying she had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever”. A sensible politician would have responded to criticism from the parents of a dead US Muslim soldier by saying how much he respected their sacrifice, rather than suggesting, as Mr Trump did, that the soldier’s mother had been prevented from speaking at the Democratic convention.

    任何一位政治领袖都会告诉特朗普,不要攻击福克斯电视台的女主持人梅金•凯利(Megyn Kelly),说她“双眼通红,热血简直要从身体里喷出来了”。面对来自美国穆斯林阵亡士兵的父母的批评,明智的政客会说他有多么敬重他们的牺牲,而不是像特朗普一样,暗示那位士兵的母亲在民主党全国代表大会((Democratic National Convention))上被禁止发言了。

    Few chief executives are as abusive towards their detractors as Mr Trump. Even fewer speak as recklessly or pick as many fights. Many will, rightly, object to being likened to him. But he is just an extreme example of the narcissistic boss who, once in the public arena, is incredulous that people dare to criticise him.


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