An iconic location in Central China's Hunan province has been renamed "Iron Hammer", the nickname of Jenny Lang Ping, head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team that won a gold medal at the 2016 Rio Olympics.
“铁榔头”英文表达是Iron Hammer,当年郎平凭借强劲而精确的扣杀而赢得“铁榔头”绰号。自从郎平领导女排在里约奥运取得了胜利,借女排“蹭头条”的现象就一直没间断,连湖南景点也借此上了头条(make the headline)。
这一湖南景点原名“顶天立地”,传说这块形状奇特的石头是女娲补天时的垫脚石(the stepping stone by the goddess Nuwa in repairing the pillar of heaven)。该景区管理者称,景点更名是为了秉承郎平同志的“铁榔头精神”(promote the spirit of the Iron Hammer)。消息一出,很多网友都表示出对这种“蹭头条”行为的厌恶。