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    Senior financiers are alarmed at growing political momentum behind a so-called “hard Brexit” that they fear will erode business confidence, trigger corporate departures and damage the City of London.


    Leading bankers who have held talks with government ministers have told the Financial Times they believe Theresa May, the prime minister, will end up taking Britain out of the EU’s single market and customs union.

    与政府部长级官员举行了商谈的领先银行家们向英国《金融时报》表示,他们认为英国首相特里萨•梅(Theresa May)最终会让英国退出欧盟单一市场和关税同盟。

    They fear policy is being shaped by pro-Brexit ministers like Liam Fox, international trade secretary, who said in July that Britain would probably leave the customs union, and Brexit minister David Davis, who says it is “improbable” that Britain would stay in the single market.

    他们担心,政策正在由支持英国退欧的部长级官员制定,如国际贸易大臣利亚姆•福克斯(Liam Fox)和退欧事务部长戴维•戴维斯(David Davis);福克斯曾在今年7月表示,英国很可能会退出关税同盟,而戴维斯表示,英国“不太可能”留在单一市场。

    “The danger of hard talk now is that it increases uncertainty, reduces confidence and will result in businesses triggering their exit plans from the UK,” said John McFarlane, chairman of Barclays and TheCityUK lobby group.

    巴克莱(Barclays)董事长、游说团体TheCityUK主席约翰•麦克法伦(John McFarlane)表示:“如今强硬谈判的风险是,它增加了不确定性,打击了信心,将会导致企业启动撤出英国的预案。”

    One Wall Street boss expressed concern that Mrs May did not fully grasp the consequences for the City of a “hard Brexit”, while other financiers claim civil servants are afraid to speak up to explain the broad risks of leaving the EU’s economic core.


    Meanwhile John Holland-Kaye, chief executive of Heathrow, warned that leaving the EU customs union would “add massive overhead” for businesses and port operators. “Can you imagine operating something like the Euro[tunnel] if you had to suddenly build in all these checks in place? It would be completely unmanageable,” he told the FT.

    与此同时,希思罗机场(Heathrow)首席执行官约翰•霍兰-凯(John Holland-Kaye)警告称,离开欧盟关税同盟将会让企业和港口运营商“大幅增加运营成本”。他向英国《金融时报》表示:“如果你突然搞出所有这些检查,你能想象运作英法海底隧道之类的东西吗?那将是完全不可管理的。”

    One banker said that pro-Brexit ministers like Mr Fox and Mr Davis had yet to engage with the City. “If you try to discuss detail with them, you are dismissed as questioning the merits of Brexit,” said one.


    Whitehall insiders say that while Philip Hammond, chancellor, is fighting for the City, a rupture is inevitable: “Of course we will end up out of the single market and customs union,” said one. “It won’t be great but we will get the best possible deal.”

    白厅内部人士表示,尽管英国财政大臣菲利普•哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)正在为伦敦金融城而战,但决裂不可避免。一位内部人士表示:“我们当然最终会退出单一市场和关税联盟。这不是最好的结果,但我们将达成最佳可能的协议。”

      上一篇:将来生孩子不再需要妈妈? 下一篇:英国退欧没有折中道路


