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    Hillary Clinton apparently advocated for “open trade and open borders” and admitted to being “kind of far removed” from the middle class in paid speeches to Wall Street institutions, according to newly released documents from WikiLeaks.

    维基解密(WikiLeaks)最新公布的文件显示,希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在面向华尔街机构作的有偿演讲中似乎主张“开放贸易和开放边境”,并且承认自己“有点体会不到”中产阶级的疾苦。

    Mrs Clinton has refused to release the transcripts of six-figure paid speeches to Wall Street banks — an issue that became a key point of contention during the Democratic primary. But on Friday WikiLeaks published the hacked emails of Mrs Clinton’s chairman John Podesta, which appear to shed light on the content of some of those speeches.

    希拉里给华尔街银行作的有偿演讲,收费高达六位数,她一直拒绝公布这些演讲稿——这个问题成为民主党初选期间的争议焦点之一。但本周五,维基解密公布了希拉里竞选团队主席约翰•波德斯塔(John Podesta)遭黑客窃取的电子邮件,这些邮件似乎揭示出了其中一些演讲的内容。

    In one email sent to Mr Podesta, a Clinton campaign staffer flagged specific remarks Mrs Clinton had made during her paid speeches that the staffer believed might pose problems for Mrs Clinton during the Democratic primary.


    In one speech, given to Deutsche Bank in 2014, Mrs Clinton appears to suggest that she believed individuals from the banking sector should play a role in helping to regulate the financial industry. “The people that know the industry better than anybody are the people that work in the industry.”

    在2014年给德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)作的一次演讲中,希拉里似乎表示她认为银行界人士应当在帮助监管金融业方面发挥作用。“供职于这个行业的人,比任何人都更了解这个行业。”

    In another speech, she seemed to throw her weight behind a free-trade society. “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders,” she said, according to the email. Mrs Clinton also appeared to admit that she was out of touch with regular voters, saying she was “kind of far removed” from middle class struggles “because [of] the life I’ve lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy”.


    The Clinton campaign declined to confirm whether the emails were authentic. The campaign stressed that Mr Podesta’s emails had been “stolen” and suggested that documents could be “faked as part of a sophisticated Russian misinformation campaign”.


    The WikiLeaks release came on the same day that the US formally blamed Russia for several hacks on US political institutions, including the Democratic National Committee, and accused Moscow of trying to interfere in the US election.


    In total, Mrs Clinton received more than $20m for speeches she made between 2013 and 2015. While Mrs Clinton said during a Democratic primary debate that she would “look into” releasing the speech transcripts, she has yet to do so, even as her campaign has skewered Donald Trump for refusing to release his tax returns.

    希拉里在2013年到2015年间的演讲总收入超过200万美元。虽然她曾在一次民主党初选辩论中称自己会“考虑”公布演讲稿,但她至今仍未公布——尽管她的竞选团队对唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)拒绝公布其纳税申报表一事进行了大肆嘲讽。

    During the Democratic primary, Mrs Clinton’s primary opponent Bernie Sanders frequently attacked her for being too cozy with Wall Street institutions, and for being unlikely to go after banks and big corporations in the way she was promising to do in her campaign.

    在民主党初选期间,希拉里的主要对手伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)多次抨击她与华尔街机构过于亲近、不大可能以她在竞选中承诺的方式对付银行和大企业。

    In the excerpts of Mrs Clinton’s speeches, the Democratic nominee suggests she might have more sympathy for Wall Street figures than she has suggested on the campaign trail, saying that there was “such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives,” and that she herself believed it was “very onerous and unnecessary” that successful business people were forced to sell so many assets just to take on roles in the US government.


    Mrs Clinton also indicated that her public and private positions on issues did not always add up.


    “I mean, politics is like sausage being made,” she said, according to the email. “It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody’s watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.”


    WikiLeaks’ release of the hacked emails came Friday evening, not long after the Washington Post published a 2005 video of Mr Trump where the Republic nominee was heard bragging in crude terms about groping women.

    维基解密是在周五晚公布这些遭黑客窃取的电子邮件的。此前不久,《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)刚刚公布了特朗普在2005年的一段视频,视频中可以听到这位共和党总统候选人用粗鄙的语言吹嘘自己猥亵女性。

    On Saturday, US cable networks were referring to the video and WikiLeaks release as “October surprises” for the two candidates. However, the fallout from Mr Trump’s video appeared to have significantly worse repercussions, with numerous Republican leaders condemning his comments, and several elected Republican officials calling for Mr Trump to halt his campaign and let another member of his party lead the ticket.


    During the day on Saturday, most networks were devoting full coverage to Mr Trump’s controversy, and only Fox News discussed the video and WikiLeaks release of Mrs Clinton’s speeches in parallel.

    周六白天,多数新闻网络都只是全方位报道了特朗普引起的争议,只有福克斯新闻频道(Fox News)同时讨论了这段视频和维基解密公布的希拉里演讲内容。

    However, the WikiLeaks documents could hurt Mrs Clinton among some former Sanders supporters who believe that Mrs Clinton has not been fully transparent about her true views on financial regulation, trade, and the influence of big corporations on US politics.


      上一篇:美大选第二场辩论:特朗普重新站稳脚跟 下一篇:特朗普大谈调戏女性,牵连NBC主播遭停职


