Billy Bush, a host on the “Today” show who has received stinging criticism for his role in a video with Donald J. Trump, has been suspended by NBC.
因在涉及唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)的一段视频中所扮演的角色而受到严厉指责的《今日秀》(Today)主持人比利·布什(Billy Bush)被NBC停职。
The NBC executive in charge of “Today,” Noah Oppenheim, wrote in a memo to his staff members on Sunday that “we’ve all been deeply troubled by the revelations of the past 48 hours.”
周日当天,NBC负责《今日秀》的高管诺亚·奥本海姆(Noah Oppenheim)在给员工的一份备忘录中写道,“我们所有人都对过去48小时里曝出的事情深感苦恼。”
“Let me be clear — there is simply no excuse for Billy’s language and behavior on that tape,” he said. “NBC has decided to suspend Billy, pending further review of this matter.”
It is unclear how long the suspension will last.
Mr. Bush was at the center of an explosive 2005 video that was released on Friday, in which he is heard laughing and goading Mr. Trump as they engaged in a vulgar and misogynistic conversation about women.
The news of the suspension is a reversal for NBC News, whose executives maintained throughout the weekend that it had no plans to discipline Mr. Bush and that he was expected to address the controversy on Monday’s program.
停职的消息表明NBC新闻(NBC News)的态度发生了转变。整个周末,其高管一直坚持说公司不打算惩罚布什,并表示他预计会在周一的节目中就这起争议事件表态。
But in the two days since the video’s release, there has been a strong social media backlash, including hundreds of angry comments on his Facebook page, many of them from women.
Mr. Bush released a statement on Friday saying that he was “embarrassed and ashamed” of his role in the recording. But he added, “This happened 11 years ago — I was younger, less mature and acted foolishly in playing along.”
“Today” is gripped in a ratings battle with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” and both shows rely on women as a significant part of their viewership.
《今日秀》正在与ABC的《早安美国》(Good Morning America)大打收视战。两档节目的观众中,女性都是重要的组成部分。
At the time the video was shot, Mr. Bush was a host of NBC’s “Access Hollywood” and talking with Mr. Trump, then the star of “The Apprentice,” as he was about to leave a bus to visit a soap opera set.
拍摄视频时,布什是NBC《走进好莱坞》(Access Hollywood)的主持人。即将乘车前往一个肥皂剧片场的他和当时还是《学徒》(The Apprentice)节目中的明星的特朗普进行了交谈。
In the video, Mr. Bush laughs at Mr. Trump’s most outrageous comments, and the two vividly discuss the physique of a “Days of Our Lives” actress, Arianne Zucker, who arrived to accompany Mr. Trump on set (“Oh, that’s good legs,” Mr. Bush said at one point).
在视频中,布什在听到特朗普极其可耻的言论后笑了起来,两人还绘声绘色地讨论了和特朗普一同前往片场的女演员、曾出演《我们的日子》(Days of Our Lives)的阿里安·扎克(Arianne Zucker)的身材。(布什一度说,“哎呦,腿真美。”)
In a statement on Sunday, Ms. Zucker said: “How we treat one another, whether behind closed doors, locker rooms or face to face, should be done with kindness, dignity and respect. Unfortunately, there are too many people in power who abuse their position and disregard these simple principles and are rewarded for it.”