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    UBS walked away from a $4.4bn deal to take a Dalian Wanda unit into private ownership despite initially proposing the move — leaving the way clear for a rival Chinese bank to take the lead financial adviser role.

    瑞银(UBS)退出了万达集团(Dalian Wanda Group)旗下商业地产部门44亿美元的私有化交易,尽管这笔交易最初是由瑞银提议的。此举为与瑞银竞争的一家中国投行担任这笔交易的主财务顾问扫清了道路。

    UBS withdrew from the take-private of Wanda’s commercial properties business after it became uncomfortable with the structure of the transaction, according to people close to the matter. Hong Kong rules require banks to be satisfied with the sources and availability of funds when offers are made.

    知情人士称,瑞银退出万达商业(Wanda Commercial Properties)的私有化交易,是因为对这笔交易的结构感到不安。香港的规定要求,要约提出时,银行须对资金的来源和可用性感到满意。

    Wanda also approached at least one other foreign bank about working on the deal but was turned down — which left China’s CICC to run the process single-handedly.


    The company — owned by billionaire Wang Jianlin, China’s second-richest man — has become one of the country’s most widely known conglomerates.


    A senior Wanda official, who declined to be identified, said that UBS had become uncomfortable with the deal’s credit-risk profile and dropped the transaction that it had originally proposed. “That’s why foreign banks are really losing ground on this front,” the Wanda official said.


    When Wanda listed in Hong Kong two years earlier, HSBC and CICC sponsored the $3.7bn initial public offering and UBS, Goldman Sachs and CICC were lead bookrunners.

    两年前万达商业在香港上市时,汇丰(HSBC)和中金是这笔37亿美元的首次公开发行(IPO)的保荐人,瑞银、高盛(Goldman Sachs)和中金是主账簿管理人。

    CICC did not respond to requests for comment. UBS declined to comment.


    There was an unusually long five-week gap between Wanda alerting the market that it was considering an offer and the offer being made. At the time, Wanda said the timing was related to the time it took to secure financing, finalise the consortium and consider the impact of a mainland probe into stock market backdoor listings — the most likely route for Wanda to relist in Shanghai or Shenzhen.


    Mr Wang received approval from shareholders to delist the commercial property company in mid-August. The conglomerate offered HK$52.80 a share for the commercial property company.


    Mr Wang raised funds from private investors for the buyout.


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