Australia’s richest woman Gina Rinehart is offering A$365m (US$277m) in conjunction with a Chinese partner for a historic cattle company that could test Canberra’s tolerance for Chinese investment after it turned down two previous bids for the land.
澳大利亚女首富吉娜•莱因哈特(Gina Rinehart)出资3.65亿澳元(合2.77亿美元),与一家中国企业携手竞购该国一家历史悠久的畜牧企业。此举可测试澳大利亚政府对中国投资者的容忍度,当地政府已两次拒绝中国投资者对相关土地的投标。
The offer for S Kidman & Co, which owns more than 1 per cent of the country’s landmass — an area that is bigger than Ireland — was made by Australian Outback Beef, a company two-thirds owned by Ms Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting and one-third by Shanghai CRED Real Estate, owned by Chinese businessman Gui Guojie.
此次竞购目标基德曼公司(S Kidman & Co)拥有澳大利亚逾1%的土地,面积超过爱尔兰国土。收购提出方为Australian Outback Beef,该公司三分之二股权为莱因哈特的汉考克勘探公司(Hancock Prospecting)持有,其余三分之一为中国商人桂国杰的上海中房置业有限公司(Shanghai CRED Real Estate)持有。
Two previous bids by a Chinese consortium for the land were blocked by Canberra, in part due to national security concerns related to the presence of a missile range on the vast Anna Creek station.
此前一家中国财团曾两次竞投这块土地,均遭到澳大利亚政府拒绝,部分原因是广袤的安娜溪养牛场(Anna Creek)位于导弹射程内,关系到国家安全问题。
The AOB offer is conditional on gaining foreign investment approval from Canberra and on the separate disposal by Kidman of Anna Creek, which makes up almost a quarter of the area controlled by the company.
Australian Outback Beef的要约取决于能否获得澳大利亚政府对外国投资的批准,以及基德曼公司能否单独处置安娜溪养牛场,其面积占该公司控制土地近四分之一。
“Kidman is an iconic cattle business established more than a century ago by Sir Sidney Kidman,” said Gina Rinehart in a statement. “It is an operation founded on hard work and perseverance by an outstanding Australian, and is an important part of Australia’s pioneering and entrepreneurial history.”
吉娜•莱因哈特在一份声明中表示:“基德曼公司是由西德尼•基德曼爵士(Sir Sidney Kidman)在一个多世纪前建立的一家标志性畜牧企业。这家企业是由一位优秀的澳大利亚人以勤劳和毅力创建的,也是澳大利亚开拓和创业历史的重要组成部分。”
Shanghai CRED, which was founded in 1999, was part of a consortium that submitted a previous bid for Kidman but which was knocked back by Canberra on national security grounds.
Mr Gui, a low-profile property developer, said in a statement that partnering with Hancock had already proved to be a productive approach and he looked forward to having the opportunity to work with Hancock through the Kidman investment.