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    On the fringes of Queen Elizabeth National Park in western Uganda, farmers drum loudly throughout the night to scare off their most destructive enemy: the elephant. In the nearby Bwindi rainforest, small surviving herds of savannah elephants, cut off from their diminishing natural habitat, have adapted to a hidden existence beneath the canopy.

    在位于乌干达西部的伊丽莎白女王国家公园的边缘,农民们整晚奋力敲着鼓吓走对他们来说最具破坏性的敌人——大象。在附近的布恩迪(Bwindi)雨林,小群幸存的草原象(savannah elephant)远离了它们日益缩小的自然栖息地,适应了躲在树荫下的隐蔽生活。

    Throughout Africa, elephants and humans are in intense conflict. Humans are winning. A hundred years ago there were 10m elephants roaming the continent. By the mid-1970s that number had collapsed to 1.3m. So had the elephants’ range, with herds restricted to ever-smaller pockets of land in ever-fewer countries.


    Today, there are 400,000 elephants left, roughly a third of them squeezed into one relatively safe haven, Botswana. “The story of the elephant is one of retreat, retreat, retreat, retreat,” says Patrick Bergin, chief executive of the African Wildlife Foundation, a conservation group.

    如今,非洲仅存40万头大象,将近三分之一分布在博茨瓦纳这个相对安全的天堂。“大象的故事就是一个不断后退的故事,”保护组织非洲野生动物基金会(African Wildlife Foundation)的首席执行官帕特里克•贝尔然(Patrick Bergin)表示。

    If loss of habitat is the biggest problem, it will only worsen. Africa has the world’s highest human fertility rates. In the next 30 years, the continent’s population will double to 2bn. In another half century it could double again. Then there is the slaughter. In the 20th century, it was white game hunters. In the 21st it is Asian ivory collectors, whose appetite and wealth has encouraged poaching on an industrial scale.


    It is hardly the first time humans have driven mammals towards extinction. Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens, calls us “ecological serial killers”. The sabre-tooth tiger had existed for 30m years. Within 2,000 years of its first contact with humans, it had vanished forever. A similar fate befell a range of animals from mammoths and mastodons, a distant relation of the elephant, to giant sloths. Even before humans had invented the wheel, they had destroyed half of all big terrestrial animals.

    这不是人类首次把哺乳动物推向灭绝境地。《人类简史》(Sapiens)的作者尤瓦尔•赫拉利(Yuval Noah Harari)把我们称为“生态系统的连环杀手”。剑齿虎曾经生存了3000万年。它们与人类首次接触后的2000年内,剑齿虎永远地消失了。同样的命运降临在一系列物种身上,从猛犸象和乳齿象(大象的远亲)到大地懒。人类在发明车轮以前,已经毁灭了一半的大型陆栖动物。

    If humans are uncontrollable serial killers, then surely the elephants’ fate is sealed. Inevitably they will go the way of the American lion. At best, they will be driven to near-extinction, preserved in a few city zoos and armed-to-the teeth sanctuaries. Or can anything be done to preserve the world’s largest land mammal in anything like its present numbers? There are two strategies to arrest the catastrophe. Unfortunately, they pull in opposite directions.


    One is to intensify a 1990 ban on the ivory trade imposed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, which is meeting in South Africa this week. In addition to outlawing the sale of poached ivory, an extended ban would prohibit trade in all ivory products, including antiques. The trade in legal ivory is open to abuse, with new ivory easily passed off as old. Environmentalists say that if China and other big Asian ivory buyers, including Vietnam and Malaysia, support a ban, the market dynamic can shift.


    There are obvious flaws in this strategy. Ban anything, from cocaine to Kalashnikovs, and the result is gruesomely predictable: its price will rise. That would energise poaching, not stop it. Even if, by some miracle, the policy worked and ivory lost its monetary value, African farmers would be left with marauding herds of worthless mammals. Other than their intrinsic beauty, they would be valuable only insofar as local people could capture some of the resulting tourist dollars.


    The opposite approach would be to legalise the trade entirely. Like debasing a currency, the idea would be to force an “elephant devaluation”. Under this scenario, the market would be flooded with existing stockpiles and arrangements put in place to “harvest” tusks. The hope would be to drive the price below that at which it is worth the risk and cost of poaching. Call it fiat ivory.


    A “sustainable harvesting” approach has merit. But it may be too late to try. Mr Bergin says there are too many humans and too few animals. Legalisation of ivory would be a death knell, he says.


    Two experimental auctions, in 1997 and 2008, breathed life into the illegal trade by creating “fungible” ivory. Yet if partial legalisation failed, so has the 25-year prohibition. Once again, elephant populations are in alarming decline.


    The bigger question still is whether humans and wild animals can live side by side. Africa is huge. It could accommodate the US, China, India and western Europe. But from the elephants’ perspective, it is a shrinking universe.


    Unless African governments, working in conjunction, can protect areas of wilderness and connecting corridors indefinitely from development, the debate on ivory trading will be a sideshow. That is the mastodon in the room.


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