Moves by Brussels and Berlin to thwart high-profile Chinese takeovers yesterday are the latest sign of stiffening resistance in the west to investment from Beijing that has scuppered the lion’s share of nearly $40bn in planned Chinese acquisitions since mid-2015.
Most have fallen foul over competition and security issues, such a takeover target’s proximity to a key military base, and have prompted some western governments to consider new regulatory procedures to probe Chinese deals.
The $40bn total, compiled by boutique investment bank Grisons Peak, does not include proposed takeovers of Swiss agribusiness Syngenta and German semiconductor company Aixtron for $44bn and €670m, respectively. Both faced problems yesterday following reviews by the EU and Germany.
上述400亿美元总额是由精品投资银行Grisons Peak汇总得出的,它不包括中资对瑞士农业企业先正达(Syngenta)和德国半导体公司爱思强(Aixtron)拟议中的收购,这两笔交易的价值分别达到440亿美元和6.70亿欧元。在欧盟和德国进行审查后,昨日它们都面临变数。
Despite the concerns, Chinese acquirers continue to unveil fresh deals. HNA Group, an aviation and leisure conglomerate, announced it would buy a 25 per cent stake in hotelier Hilton Worldwide from Blackstone for $6.5bn while financial holdings conglomerate China Oceanwide agreed a $2.7bn purchase of US insurer Genworth Financial.
尽管各方表示担忧,但中国收购方继续公布新的交易。航空和休闲综合企业海航集团(HNA Group)宣布将斥资65亿美元,从黑石(Blackstone)购得希尔顿全球酒店(Hilton Worldwide) 25%股权,而金融控股集团中国泛海(China Oceanwide)将以27亿美元协议收购美国保险公司Genworth Financial。
But there are signs that the increasing scrutiny is becoming a brake on the surge in Chinese takeovers. Announced Chinese M&A deals in the third quarter of this year amounted to $46.1bn, down from $49.4bn in the second quarter and a quarterly record of $95.6bn in the first, according to data from Grisons Peak.
但有迹象表明,越来越多的审查正在遏止中资收购浪潮。Grisons Peak的数据显示,今年第三季度公布的中国并购交易总额为461亿美元,低于第二季度的494亿美元,也低于第一季度创下的956亿美元这一季度纪录。
Last week it emerged that Blackstone, the private equity group, had dropped plans to sell San Diego’s landmark Hotel del Coronado — which is located near a sensitive naval base — for about $1bn to China’s Anbang Insurance. It is one of several deals recently held up by US national security concerns.
上周,私人股权集团黑石放弃了把加州圣迭戈地标性的科罗纳多酒店(Hotel del Coronado)——靠近一个敏感的海军基地——以大约10亿美元出售给中国安邦保险(Anbang Insurance)的计划。这是近期因为美国国家安全担忧而受阻的数笔交易之一。
A total of 11 big acquisitions have been dropped by Chinese suitors since July last year, mainly as a result of closer examination by authorities in the US, Australia and elsewhere. The total value of foiled deals comes to $38.9bn, the data show, or 14 per cent of all deals announced over the past 16 months. The proportion of failures would surge if the Syngenta, Aixtron and other approaches were also blocked.
Syngenta shares dropped sharply yesterday after acquirer ChemChina failed to offer concessions to an EU competition inquiry ahead of a deadline. The proposed deal would be the largest overseas acquisition by a Chinese group.
Berlin also withdrew a certificate saying it had no objection to the sale of Aixtron to Chinese investors and said it was reopening a review, Aixtron said.
Martin Fischer, analyst at Alaco, said an “emerging push for protectionism” in Germany was being fuelled by a flood of Chinese investments, with particular vigilance for state-owned enterprises.
Alaco分析师马丁•费希尔(Martin Fischer)表示,一波中国投资在德国助推了一股“新的保护主义倾向”,人们对国有企业尤其警惕。
Theresa May, UK prime minister, is planning to introduce a new system to vet foreign investment into Britain. Mrs May wants to be able to intervene in an “orderly and structured” way on sensitive foreign investment cases and is studying the US and Australian regimes.
英国首相特里萨•梅(Theresa May)计划引入一套新的制度来审查对英国的外国投资。梅希望能够对敏感的外国投资案例进行“有序和结构化”的干预,并正在研究美国和澳大利亚的制度。
In August, Australia blocked China’s state-owned State Grid Corp and Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings, a Hong Kong company, from taking a $7.6bn controlling stake in the country’s biggest electricity distribution network on national security grounds.
今年8月,澳大利亚以国家安全为由,阻止了中国国有的国家电网公司(State Grid Corp)和香港公司长江基建(Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings)买下该国最大配电网络76亿美元控股股权。