A top Hillary Clinton adviser lamented that the Democratic presidential candidate has “terrible judgment” in leaked emails that reinforce perceptions of weaknesses that continue to dog the nominee’s campaign.
遭泄露的电子邮件显示,希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的一名高级顾问曾哀叹这位民主党总统候选人有“糟糕的判断”,这强化外界了对于希拉里弱点的印象,这种印象继续困扰着她的竞选活动。
Although Mrs Clinton has a comfortable lead over Republican Donald Trump with less than two weeks until election day, the latest emails from WikiLeaks underscore concerns over her decision-making and honesty that have hindered her popularity.
在距大选投票日不到两周之际,虽然希拉里稳稳领先共和党总统候选人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump),但维基解密(WikiLeaks)最新曝光的邮件突显了各方对她的决策和诚信的担忧,这些都损害了她的支持率。
“Almost no one knows better than me that her instincts can be terrible,” wrote Neera Tanden, a Clinton confidante, as she and the campaign’s chairman grappled with her use of a private email server and reluctance to apologise for it.
“几乎没人比我更了解她的直觉可能有多么糟糕,”希拉里的密友尼拉•坦登(Neera Tanden)写道,当时她与竞选团队主席在为希拉里使用私人电邮服务器且不愿为此道歉忙得焦头烂额。
John Podesta, campaign chairman, wrote: “We’ve taken on a lot of water that won’t be easy to pump out of the boat. Most of that has to do with terrible decisions made pre-campaign, but a lot has to do with her instincts.”
希拉里竞选团队主席约翰•波德斯塔(John Podesta)写道:“我们的船进了很多水,要排出去并不容易。这大部分是由竞选前做出的糟糕决定造成的,但也与她的直觉有很大关系。”
Their exchange from 2015 plays into Mr Trump’s accusations that his rival makes bad decisions. Mr Trump said in the second presidential debate this month that Mrs Clinton had “really bad judgment”, citing decisions she made as secretary of state in the Middle East and her openness to immigration at home.
The Republican noted that Bernie Sanders, Mrs Clinton’s erstwhile rival for the nomination, had also questioned her decision-making, with the Vermont senator saying in April: “In terms of her judgment, something is clearly lacking.”
特朗普特别提到,在初选阶段,希拉里的党内对手伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)也对她的决策表示过质疑。今年4月,这位佛蒙特州参议员称:“就她的判断力而言,显然缺少点什么。”
Mrs Clinton was in Florida yesterday for two rallies aimed at energising Democrats to get out and vote. According to RealClearPolitics, she is ahead of her rival by an average of 3.1 points in polling in the state and is seeking to prevent complacency among the party base as she sits on a comfortable lead nationally.
Despite this, polls show that her popularity has been undermined by her perceived lack of honesty, an issue highlighted by leaked emails that show advisers angry about her secret use of a private server while secretary of state.
In an ABC News poll on Tuesday, 60 per cent of likely voters said they disapproved of the way Mrs Clinton was handling questions about her use of personal email.
在美国广播公司新闻部(ABC News)周二所做的一项民意调查中,60%的可能投票者称,他们不赞成希拉里处理有关她使用私人电邮问题的方式。