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    France and Brazil have joined China in spurning Donald Trump’s threat to pull out of the Paris climate agreement if the Republican candidate wins next week’s US presidential election.

    法国和巴西加入中国的行列,对美国共和党候选人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的这一威胁之词表示了否定——他威胁称,如果在下周美国选举中获胜,就将让美国退出巴黎气候协定。

    Speaking on the eve of the climate accord coming into force, French environment minister Ségolène Royal told the FT yesterday she would not even “entertain the hypothesis” of a Trump victory because that “gives credibility to the idea”. She dismissed his threat to withdraw from the Paris deal as a campaign tactic, saying: “Maybe he needed more financing from the oil lobby.”

    法国环境部长塞戈莱娜•罗亚尔(Ségolène Royal)在巴黎气候协定生效前夕发表了看法。昨日她对英国《金融时报》表示,她甚至不会“考虑(特朗普获胜的)假设”,因为那“会为这个想法平添可信度”。她认为特朗普退出巴黎协定的威胁无须理会,只不过是一种竞选手段。她说:“也许他需要从石油游说集团那里获得更多资金。”

    Even if he could legally pull out, “in practice it is impossible because countries have everything to gain from remaining”, she said.


    Separately, José Sarney Filho, Brazil’s environment minister, said yesterday he could not imagine any society abandoning the fight against global warming given how serious the problem was. “I hope Trump doesn’t win,” the minister added. “I believe the American society is a strong society, much stronger than any possible head of state.”

    另外,巴西环境部长小若泽•萨尔内(José Sarney Filho)昨日表示,鉴于全球变暖问题的严重程度,他无法想象任何一个社会放弃抗击这一问题的努力。“我希望特朗普不要赢,”这位部长接着说,“我相信美国社会是一个强大的社会,比任何可能的国家元首都强大得多。”

    The comments follow a warning from China’s top climate change negotiator that Mr Trump would be out of step with international trends if he turned his back on the Paris deal, which nearly 200 countries adopted in December 2015.


    “I believe that if he were a wise leader, he should know that all policies should be responsive to the trend of the world’s development,” Xie Zhenhua told journalists in Beijing on Tuesday.


    The remarks reflect nervousness among climate change campaigners about the prospect of Mr Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in Tuesday’s ballot.

    这些话表明,气候变化倡议者们对于特朗普在下周二的选举中可能会战胜希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)感到紧张。

    The Republican candidate has called global warming a hoax invented by China to make US manufacturers uncompetitive and vowed to “cancel” the Paris accord. He also says he would stop all US payments for UN global warming programmes.


    No single country can scrap the deal, painstakingly negotiated by nearly all the world’s nations over four years. But Mr Trump could deal the pact a significant blow either by pulling the US out of it or by abandoning measures launched by President Barack Obama to cut reliance on coal and other fossil fuels.

    没有哪个国家能够单独废掉这项由全球几乎所有国家通过4年艰苦谈判达成的协定。但是,如果特朗普让美国退出该协定、或者抛弃巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)推出的旨在减轻对煤炭等化石能源依赖程度的措施,那么他可能会对该协定造成沉重的打击。

    The US election falls on the second day of the latest round of UN climate talks, to be held in the Moroccan city of Marrakesh from November 7 to 18.


    Delegates are braced for the election outcome to cast a large shadow over the meeting, the first since the conference in Paris that adopted the agreement.


    The prospect of a Trump victory has been cited as one reason why so many countries rushed to ratify or join the Paris accord this year, including the US, China, the EU and India.


    That paved the way for the accord to come into force today, a record speed for an international agreement of this scale.


    But the UN warned yesterday that the world was still heading for a 2.9C-3.4C rise in temperatures this century, even with the pledges that have been made for the Paris deal, which aims to hold warming to 2C, or 1.5C if possible.


      上一篇:硅谷在欧洲遭遇反弹 下一篇:特里萨·梅:亲欧者应“接受人民的决定”


