
The Indian government declared an "emergency situation" in New Delhi on Sunday as air pollution hit dangerous new highs and residents have the selfies to prove it.
Officials announced a slew of measures to combat toxic smog in the capital city, including halting construction projects, canceling school, closing a coal-fired power plant for 10 days and dousing the dusty roads with water.
City dwellers, meanwhile, took "smog selfies" as they strolled through air so dirty you can taste and smell it.
Visitors photographed their mugs against the hazy backdrop that blanketed popular tourist attractions like the India Gate, a 138-foot-hight structure built in 1931 to honor Indian soldiers who died in World War I.

Other selfie snappers joined hundreds of protesters in downtown New Delhi to demand the government address the deadly smog.
Visiting cricket players from Gujarat posed in protective face masks.
Their match and one other for the Ranji Trophy were cancelled this weekend due to the city's rising pollution levels.
New Delhi, already one of the world's dirtiest cities, is experiencing its worst smog in nearly two decades.
Sunday's Smog-Selfie Walk In #SmogCapital
-- Harmeet Shah Singh (@HarmeetSS) November 6, 2016
—— 哈米特•沙辛格 (@HarmeetSS) 2016年11月6日
Delhi smog forces Gujarat player to take selfie. #LetsSaveDelhi #RanjiTrophy
-- Jay Jadhav (@Jayjadhav07) November 6, 2016
新德里雾霾迫使古吉拉特邦板球球员拿起手机自拍。#让我们拯救新德里 #Ranji杯
—— 杰•贾达夫 (@Jayjadhav07) 2016年11月6日
The city saw levels of PM2.5 the tiny particulate matter than can clog lungs of more than 900 micrograms per cubic meter on Saturday.
That's more than 90 times the level that World Health Organization considers safe and is 15 times higher than the Indian government's norms.
Particulate matter comes from vehicle exhaust pipes, coal plant smokestacks, burning trash piles, dust and other sources.
The pollution can lead to asthma, lung cancer, heart disease and related illnesses, particularly in growing children.
New Delhi's severe pollution was initially blamed on the widespread bursting of firecrackers during the festival Diwali.
But images published by NASA last week suggested that crop burning in the neighboring states of Punjab and Haryana could be the reason for the skyrocketing levels of PM2.5. New Delhi's chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal, told reporters Sunday that farmers in those states begin burning straw from their rice paddy crop at the start of every winter to clear their plants for planting wheat.
但11月初美国宇航局公布的图像显示,新德里附近的旁遮普省和哈里亚纳邦的秸秆焚烧可能是导致PM2.5值猛增的罪魁祸首。 新德里首席部长阿文•科利瓦尔11月6日告诉记者,附近几省的农民为了清理出空地种小麦,每年初冬都会焚烧稻田的作物秸秆。
Kejriwal said people should avoid going outdoors until the pollution levels drop and should work from home as much as possible.
As in, maybe put down the selfie sticks, too.