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    For most of his insurgent campaign, Donald Trump was a one-man show. He dominated the airwaves and the Twittersphere, casting himself as the strongman who could fix Washington and Make America Great Again.

    在其颠覆性的竞选过程中,唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)大多数时候都是单人秀。他主导了电视广播和Twitter圈子,将自己标榜为可以修正华盛顿问题、“让美国再次变得伟大”的强人。

    But in the run-up to his historic upset, a few key players have been helping the candidate prepare for government, chief among them his vice-presidential running mate Mike Pence, the Indiana governor, two-term Republican congressman and born-again Christian.

    然而,在特朗普这次历史性颠覆之前,几位关键人物一直在帮助这位候选人筹备其白宫之路。这其中的头号人物就是他的副总统竞选伙伴——印第安纳州州长、两届共和党众议员、重生基督徒迈克•彭斯(Mike Pence)。

    Trump insiders predict Mr Pence will play a dominant role on Mr Trump’s transition team, picking key personnel to fill top spots in the new administration and building bridges with Congress to pass future legislation.


    “Mike Pence will be a very powerful vice-president,” a longtime associate of Mr Trump said.


    Mr Pence, occasionally embarrassed by Mr Trump’s outbursts and revelations of his lewd conduct, helped steady the campaign, with a self-deprecating, Midwestern manner. His reasonable policy stances matched both those of mainstream Republicans and the Christian right.


    Crucially, Mr Pence is also seen as close to Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, who clashed publicly with Mr Trump but who will play a vital role in whether the president-elect’s platform can translate into policy and law.

    重要的是,彭斯还被认为与共和党众议院议长保罗•瑞恩(Paul Ryan)关系密切。后者曾与特朗普公开冲突,却会在这位新当选总统将竞选纲领落实为政策和法律的过程中,发挥至关重要的作用。

    “Pence is one of the best legislative [politicians] in history and so you have [a] natural partnership . . . he is key,” said Thomas Barrack, the founder of Colony Capital and one of Mr Trump’s economic advisers.

    柯罗尼资本(Colony Capital)创始人、特朗普经济顾问之一托马斯•巴拉克(Thomas Barrack)表示:“彭斯是史上最佳议员之一,是个天然的合作伙伴……他是关键所在。”

    As an outsider with no previous political experience, Mr Trump sold himself as the only candidate who could “drain the swamp” of Washington. But to achieve his ambitious agenda of change, he will rely on seasoned Republican operatives.

    作为政治局外人,此前没有政治经验的特朗普却将自己标榜为唯一可以“排干(华盛顿)沼泽”(drain the swamp,原指排干沼泽里的水,以消灭传播疟疾的蚊子。这里用来比喻赶走害人虫,根除腐败的特权阶级的影响——译者注)的候选人。然而,为了实现其雄心勃勃的变革议程,他将依赖老练的共和党运作人士。

    Rounding out the top-three loyalists are Rudy Giuliani, the mayor of New York during the September 11 terrorist attacks, and Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House of Representatives who led the calls for impeachment against Bill Clinton.

    特朗普三大效忠者中的另外两人分别是美国9•11恐怖袭击期间的纽约市长鲁迪•朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani),以及曾带头呼吁弹劾比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)的纽特•金里奇(Newt Gingrich)。

    Mr Giuliani, a hard-edged former prosecutor, is seen as a potential attorney-general. Mr Gingrich, a bookish but bombastic TV personality, is considered a possible future secretary of state, however some Trump allies say senator Bob Corker is now the leading candidate.

    强硬的前检察官朱利安尼被视为潜在的美国司法部长人选。好学而在夸夸奇谈的电视名人金里奇,被认为可能会成为未来的美国国务卿。不过,特朗普部分盟友表示鲍勃•科克(Bob Corker)目前是该职位的头号候选人。

    While it is still early days, there are other clues emerging about the identities of the people likely to shape a President Trump’s views and policies after a campaign dominated by character assassination and scandal.


    Beyond political heavyweights such as Mr Gingrich and Mr Giuliani, Mr Trump also relies on his family, notably his daughter Ivanka, and her husband Jared Kushner who at critical junctures intervened to encourage Mr Trump to shake up his campaign, and get rid of troublesome managers and operatives.

    除了金里奇和朱利安尼这类政界要人,特朗普仰仗的还包括他的家人,其中最引人注目的是他的女儿伊万卡(Ivanka)及其丈夫贾里德•库什纳(Jared Kushner)。他们曾在关键节点出手干预,鼓励特朗普整顿选举阵营,辞退有问题的竞选经理和竞选运作人员。

    They also encouraged him to hire Kellyanne Conway, as his third and final campaign manager, the woman who many say is largely responsible for humanising Mr Trump and tempering his outbursts.

    他们还曾鼓励特朗普聘请第三位也是最后一位竞选经理凯莉安妮•康韦(Kellyanne Conway)。许多人认为,特朗普台风的人性化及其情感爆发的缓和,在很大程度上要归功于这位女士。

    Reince Priebus, the 44 year-old chairman of the Republican National Committee and a staunch backer of Mr Trump during the election, was on stage with Mr Trump on Wednesday morning and is also expected to remain closely involved.

    周三早上,44岁的共和党全国委员会(Republican National Committee)主席、特朗普大选期间的坚定支持者雷恩斯•普里巴斯(Reince Priebus)曾与特朗普同台登场,预计他也会继续密切参与特朗普的各项事务。

    Although Mr Trump regularly railed against Wall Street big business, he is likely to draw heavily on conservative finance and business figures.


    Among those touted for top economic positions are Steve Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs executive frequently mentioned by Trump allies as a possible Treasury secretary, and Wilbur Ross, a distressed asset investor.

    可能被特朗普许以经济最高职位的人,包括高盛(Goldman Sachs)前高管史蒂芬•姆钦(Steven Mnuchin),以及境况不佳的资产投资商威尔伯•罗斯(Wilbur Ross)。多位特朗普的盟友曾频繁提到姆钦可能会是美国财政部长。

    The conservative columnist Lawrence Kudlow, a former official in the Reagan White House who once worked as chief economist at Bear Stearns, is another senior member of the campaign team, as is Steve Moore, an economist at the conservative Heritage Foundation who helped draw up Mr Trump’s tax plans.

    前里根政府官员、曾任贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)首席经济学家的保守派专栏作家劳伦斯•库德洛(Lawrence Kudlow),也是特朗普竞选团队另一位资深成员。还有一位资深成员是史蒂芬•摩尔(Stephen Moore),他是保守的传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)的经济学家,曾帮助草拟特朗普的税收计划。

    “I think Mr Trump’s going to be open to anybody who is open to him,” said Dan DiMicco, former chief executive of steelmaker Nucor and one of Mr Trump’s senior advisers. “People are going to want to go back to getting things done for the country.”

    钢铁制造商纽柯公司(Nucor)前首席执行官、特朗普资深顾问之一丹•迪米科(Dan DiMicco)表示:“我认为,特朗普会接受任何愿意接受他的人。人们会愿意回到他身边,为美国做事。”

    The make-up of Mr Trump’s foreign policy team is a lot less clear. Throughout his campaign, Mr Trump lashed out at US allies, questioned the value of Nato and pushed for softer policies towards Russia. This led several dozen top national security experts to publicly denounce his candidacy.


    So far on national security, he has turned to Michael Flynn, a former head of the Defence Intelligence Agency, who has been a regular analyst on Russia Today, the Russian-backed television network, as well as Keith Kellogg, who has worked in the private sector since helping run the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad after the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

    到目前为止,在国家安全方面,特朗普曾求助于国防情报局(Defence Intelligence Agency)前局长迈克尔•弗林(Michael Flynn),后者现在已是俄罗斯人投资的电视网络《今日俄罗斯》(Russia Today)的正式分析师。此外,特朗普还曾求助于基思•凯洛格(Keith Kellogg)。在2003年美国入侵伊拉克之后,凯洛格曾帮助管理位于巴格达的联军驻伊临时管理当局(Coalition Provisional Authority),在那之后他一直在私营部门工作。

    But he has also relied on heavily on fringe figures, such as Walid Phares, a Middle East analyst who has come in for criticism for his ties to a Christian armed faction in Lebanon’s civil war in the 1980s, and Carter Page, a former investment banker in Moscow who is said to have shaped Mr Trump’s softer policies towards the Kremlin.

    不过,特朗普也严重依赖瓦利德•法勒斯(Walid Phares)和卡特•佩奇(Carter Page)等边缘人物。法勒斯是一位中东分析师,他因为和上世纪80年代黎巴嫩内战中一个基督教武装派系间的关系而受到批评。佩奇则是莫斯科一位前投资银行家,据说特朗普对俄和解的政策就是他制定的。

    On economic policy, Mr Trump and Mr Pence share an affection for the brand of supply-side economics championed by Jack Kemp, the late Republican congressman and acolyte of Ronald Reagan’s gospel of deregulation and small government.

    在经济政策方面,特朗普和彭斯都很喜欢杰克•坎普(Jack Kemp)拥护的供应侧经济口号。坎普是位已故的共和党众议员,是罗纳德•里根(Ronald Reagan)去监管和小政府信条的拥趸。

    Stephen Moore, an economic adviser to Mr Trump and president of the Club For Growth, said slashing regulation and pushing through a tax bill would be among the administration’s early priorities, and predicted that business tax reform, which include proposed cuts to the headline rate to make the US more competitive internationally, would be easier to achieve in Congress than planned income tax cuts. Mr Trump’s tax proposals would lower rates for a range of income groups including the wealthy, with the top earners set to rank among the chief beneficiaries.

    特朗普经济顾问、Club For Growth主席史蒂芬•摩尔表示,大幅放松监管和推进税法议案会是特朗普政府初期的优先任务。他还预计,比起计划中的降低所得税,营业税改革在国会会更容易通过。这一改革包括降低营业税基本税率,以提高美国在国际市场上的竞争力。特朗普的税收方案会调降包括富人在内的各种收入人群的税率,收入最高的人群将是主要的受益人群之一。

    “The tax plan is the heart of the economic recovery agenda for Donald Trump,” Mr Moore said.


    Mr Trump drew on a wide-ranging array of conservative figures to pull together his economic platform. Among the other important players has been Peter Navarro of the University of California’s Paul Merage School of Business, an economist who produced the film Death by China, a documentary featuring animated Chinese aircraft bombing the US.

    特朗普依靠各种各样的保守派人物,拟定了他的经济竞选纲领。其他重要人物还包括加州大学(University of California)Paul Merage商学院(Paul Merage School of Business)的彼得•纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro),这位经济学家曾制作过一部名为《死于中国之手》(Death by China)的影片,该纪录片中有中国飞机轰炸美国的动画片段。

    Mr Navarro argued in a September analysis with Mr Ross that Mr Trump’s trade, regulatory and energy reforms would be so positive for growth that his tax-cutting plans would be fiscally neutral.


    This assertion, disputed by other economists, is likely to provoke unease among Republican fiscal conservatives. An analysis by the independent Tax Policy Center recently estimated Mr Trump’s tax cuts would drive a $7.2tn increase in the federal debt over a decade.

    这一论断引起了其他经济学家的争议,它可能引起共和党财政保守主义者的不安。最近,独立的美国税收政策中心(Tax Policy Center)一则分析估计,特朗普的减税会在十年内将联邦债务推升7.2万亿美元。

      上一篇:美国多地爆发反对特朗普当选抗议活动 下一篇:特朗普时代美联储角色将发生何种转变?


