俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)签署命令,宣布俄退出国际刑事法院(International Criminal Court)。此举进一步表明了莫斯科方面对西方支持的国际秩序的不满。
The Russian leader issued a decree to withdraw from the Rome Statute, which Russia signed in 2000 but never ratified, on the grounds that “the court has not justified the hopes placed on it and has not become an independent, authoritative organ of international justice”, the foreign ministry said.
俄外交部表示,普京签署命令,宣布退出《国际刑事法院罗马规约》(Rome Statute)。俄在2000年签署了该规约,但从未在国内批准该规约,理由是“国际刑事法院未能满足国际社会对它寄予的期望,没有成为一个独立、有威信的国际司法机构”。
Moscow’s decision comes a day after the court, based in The Hague, published a report stating that Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 amounted to an “occupation” equivalent to “international armed conflict” between the two countries.
In the report, Fatou Bensouda, ICC prosecutor, said that fighting in Ukraine’s war-torn east “points to direct military engagement between Russian armed forces and Ukrainian government forces”. The report also blamed Moscow for instigating hostilities, saying the conflict began when Russia “deployed members of its armed forces to gain control over parts of the Ukrainian territory without the consent of the Ukrainian government”.
国际刑事法院首席检察官法图•本苏达(Fatou Bensouda)在报告中表示,乌克兰饱受战争蹂躏的东部地区的冲突,“意味着俄武装力量与乌政府军之间直接的军事接触”。该报告还谴责莫斯科方面煽动敌意,表示当俄“在未经乌政府允许的情况下,以控制乌部分领土为目的部署武装力量”的时候,冲突就开始了。
Russia’s decision to withdraw comes at a critical point for the ICC. South Africa, Gambia and Burundi also said in recent days that they would withdraw from the court on the grounds that it was biased against Africans. Nine of the ICC’s 10 pending investigations are in Africa; the remaining one deals with the four-day conflict between Russia and Georgia in the breakaway territory of South Ossetia in 2008.
Moscow initially mooted withdrawing from the court in January when the ICC announced its investigation into Russian armed forces and their South Ossetian proxies.
The ICC has struggled to win broad international approval for its “global fight to end impunity” in war crimes since its establishment in 2002. Since then, the court has spent more than $1bn but returned only four verdicts.
The US withdrew from the Rome Statute in 2002, while several other nations, including China and India, never signed up for it.
Ukraine has not ratified the Rome Statute either, but gave the ICC special jurisdiction to oversee the case.
Russia insists Crimea joined it voluntarily through a referendum, held with multiple glaring irregularities and no international oversight after thousands of special forces captured the peninsula, returned overwhelming results in favour of Moscow.
Mr Putin initially denied any connection to the “little green men” in uniform seen in Crimea, then admitted they were Russian soldiers.
Moscow still denies being a party to the eastern Ukrainian conflict despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
A UN General Assembly committee also voted this week to adopt a Ukrainian-backed resolution condemning the human rights situation in Crimea since Moscow seized the peninsula.
联合国大会(UN general assembly)一个委员会也在本周投票通过一项乌克兰支持的决议,谴责克里米亚自落入俄手中以来的人权状况。