菲律宾总统罗德里戈•杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)支持由中国和俄罗斯领导世界新秩序的构想,突显唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)当选后围绕美国安全和贸易目标的全球不确定性。
The outspoken leader of Southeast Asia’s second most populous country said he might follow Moscow’s lead and withdraw from the International Criminal Court after western criticism of his bloody war on drugs.
Mr Duterte’s typically forthright remarks, made before he flew to an Asia-Pacific summit in Peru, chime with a sense around the world that Mr Trump’s election win last week has thrown US foreign policy into flux.
In the run-up to the US poll, the Philippine president attacked the US and praised Beijing and Moscow, casting doubt on Manila’s longstanding alliance with Washington and the security balance in the Asia-Pacific region.
“If China and Russia would decide to create a new order, I will be the first to join,” Mr Duterte said, in comments aimed at the US and the UN.
He said he deplored the “endless” killings in conflicts worldwide under the current global power structure, and declared: “Just because it’s America, it doesn’t mean it’s good.”
Mr Duterte has intensified attacks on the US in his first four months in office, insulting President Barack Obama after Washington criticised Manila’s drugs war, in which 2,000 lives have been lost.
杜特尔特在其任职头四个月期间大力攻击美国,在美方批评了迄今已导致2000人丧生的菲律宾禁毒战争后,他还对美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)出言不逊。
He used a trip to China last month to announce the Philippines’ “separation” from Washington, with which has had a security treaty since 1951, although US officials said they had received no formal notifications of any change.
Mr Duterte’s anger appears driven in part by alleged US atrocities during its colonial occupation of the Philippines. He has also spoken of personal bad experiences, including abuse by a US priest and a mysterious explosion years ago involving a US citizen in Davao, where he was mayor for more than two decades.
He condemned the ICC as “useless”, echoing criticism from some African states and elsewhere that it “battered” small countries while leaving powerful ones alone. An ICC prosecutor suggested last month that the court might have jurisdiction to pursue killers in the Philippine drugs war.
Vladimir Putin withdrew Russia’s signature from the court’s founding statute this week, saying the ICC had “not justified the hopes placed on it [or] become an independent, authoritative organ of international justice”. The decision came a day after the court in The Hague published a report that branded Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 an “occupation” equivalent to “international armed conflict” between the two countries.
弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)本周从国际刑事法院的成立规约中撤回俄罗斯的签署,称该法院“辜负了国际社会对它的期望,未能成为一个独立、有威信的国际司法机构”。普京作出这一决定的前一天,位于海牙的国际刑事法院发表一份报告,称俄2014年从乌克兰版图吞并克里米亚构成“占领”,相当于俄乌之间发生了“国际武装冲突”。
The US withdrew from the court’s founding statute in 2002. China and India are among countries that have not signed up.