Is it time for a crackdown on Chinese state-owned enterprises buying stakes in US companies? A key policy group thinks so, according to a report released on Wednesday that may provide ammunition to the incoming Republican administration as it eyes a more protectionist stance on global trade.
With the US-China trade deficit reaching its highest level on record last year – $365.7bn, 6.5 per cent higher than a year earlier – the US-China Economic Security Review Commission, which makes policy recommendations to the US government on its trade relationship with China, is recommending that the US stop China’s state-owned enterprises from acquiring or otherwise gaining control of American companies.
去年,美中贸易逆差达到有记录以来最高,至3657亿美元,较前一年增长6.5%。为美国政府就美中贸易关系提供政策建议的美中经济与安全评估委员会(US-China Economic and Security Review Commission)建议,美国应阻止中国国有企业收购或以其他方式控制美国企业。
Chinese investment in US companies “is rising rapidly and will continue to rise” as China looks beyond its borders to juice up economic growth, the panel wrote in its annual report to Congress.
Tech companies in particular have been favourite takeover targets. For instance, over the past year, Chinese companies made more than 20 attempts to buy all or part of US semiconductor companies like Fairchild Semiconductor and Micron Technology, the report said. That has led to “growing political concerns” over the “inherently high risk” that Chinese state-owned enterprises may leverage the technology, intelligence and market power it gains through those acquisitions “in the service of the Chinese state to the detriment of US national security,” according to the report.
特别是科技公司成为中国企业最青睐的收购目标。例如,报告称,过去一年,中国企业曾20多次试图完全或部分收购美国半导体企业,例如仙童半导体公司(Fairchild Semiconductor)和美光科技(Micron Technology)。报告称,这导致对于“内在高风险”的“政治担忧日益加剧”:中国国有企业可能会利用其通过这些收购获取的技术、情报和市场力量,“为中国政府服务,损害美国国家安全。”
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States – an inter-agency panel made up of officials from multiple US agencies, including national security and defence – is authorised to review proposed transactions that may hand control of a US business over to a foreign person to discern its effect on national security interests. Out of more than 100 deals it reviewed in 2014 – the last year for which data are available – 24 involved Chinese companies, the report said.
美国外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment in the US)是一个跨部门委员会,由来自美国多个部门的官员组成,包括国家安全和国防部门。该委员会被授权审核可能将美国企业控制权交与外国人之手的拟议交易,考察其对国家安全利益的影响。报告称,在2014年(这是可获得数据的最近一个年份)该委员会评估的100多笔交易中,有24笔涉及中国企业。
The panel’s report recommended that US lawmakers authorise the CFIUS “to bar Chinese state-owned enterprises from acquiring or otherwise gaining effective control of U.S. companies.”