安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)决定寻求第四个德国总理任期,不到两周前,唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)当选美国总统,使她成为西方的头号自由派价值观捍卫者。
The announcement to stand again came days after meetings with world leaders that underscored Ms Merkel’s importance to an international order rocked by Mr Trump’s electoral victory, and the rise of populist and nationalist parties across Europe.
She announced her decision to seek re-election last night, ending months of speculation. She said that she had “thought endlessly” about whether to run again and described the decision as “anything but trivial, not for the country, for the party and for me personally”.
Ms Merkel said that she wanted to serve Germany in “these difficult and uncertain times”.
She said that the election would “be more difficult than any since reunification” in 1990, with society more polarised than when she began her third term in 2013, and her CDU party, facing challenges from the right and left.
Last week, the 62-year-old won the endorsement of Barack Obama, US president, who was in Berlin on the last leg of his final European tour for an informal summit with five EU heads of government. The outgoing president described Ms Merkel as his “closest international partner”, jesting that if he were German he would vote for her.
上周,62岁的默克尔获得了美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的支持,奥巴马当时在柏林,这是他任内最后一次欧洲访问的最后一站,他与5位欧盟政府首脑召开了一次非正式峰会。这位即将卸任的美国总统称默克尔是他“最密切的国际合作伙伴”,并开玩笑说,如果他是德国人,他会投票给默克尔。
Her decision to run is likely to be met with relief in EU capitals, where she is seen as a rock of stability at a time of tectonic shifts in European politics. In recent years EU leaders have looked to Ms Merkel and Germany to help solve the continent’s problems, ranging from the refugee crisis to the Greek bailout and Brexit.
Ms Merkel’s decision comes as the French yesterday went to the polls to select a centre-right candidate for next year’s election. Pollsters expect the winner to face far-right leader Marine Le Pen in the battle for the presidency.
在默克尔宣布参选之际,法国昨日投票,将为明年总统大选选出一位中右翼候选人。民调专家预计,获胜者将在总统大选中迎战极右翼领导人马琳•勒庞(Marine Le Pen)。