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    Without the help of a business school, Joe Zhou’s dream of moving from China to the US and becoming a tech entrepreneur would have failed. In the end it worked out — but all has not been plain sailing.

    如果没有商学院的帮助,乔•周(Joe Zhou)从中国迁至美国、然后成为一个高科技创业者的梦想就已破灭了。最终他如愿以偿——但整个过程不是那么一帆风顺。

    Mr Zhou faced having to return home shortly after graduating from Boston University’s Questrom School of Business because he failed in his petition for one of the US federal government’s annual allocation of work visas.

    在从波士顿大学奎斯特罗姆商学院(Boston University Questrom School of Business)毕业后,由于未能申请到工作签证(美国联邦政府每年发放的工作签证数量有限制),周先生曾面临不得不很快回国的窘境。

    Mr Zhou was saved by nearby Babson College, however, which offered him one of a small allocation of H1-B work visas earmarked for the school’s Global Entrepreneur in Residence programme.

    不过,附近的巴布森商学院(Babson College)救了他,该校从分配到的少量H1-B签证中给了他一份。这些签证是为该校的常驻全球创业家(Global Entrepreneur in Residence)项目发放的。

    “It was critical,” says Mr Zhou, who provides mentoring support for Babson students in return for the right to remain in the US. He also works on his start-up, First Blood, an online gaming platform he co-founded this year.

    周先生表示:“这个签证至关重要。”目前,他为巴布森商学院的学生提供辅导,以换取留在美国的权利。此外,他还在运作着自己的初创公司第一滴血(First Blood),这是他今年和人共同创办的一家在线游戏平台。

    The challenge for overseas business school students to stay and work in the countries where they completed their qualifications has never been easy. In the wake of Donald Trump’s election as US president and the vote in June by the UK to leave the EU, many are concerned it will become more difficult.

    商学院海外学生在取得文凭的国家留下来工作,从来都不是件容易的事。而在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)当选美国总统和今年6月英国退欧公投之后,许多人担心留下的难度会进一步加大。

    Only a quarter of the employers who plan to hire MBA graduates in the US this year expect to take on overseas candidates, according to figures from the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), responsible for the GMAT business school admission exam.

    根据负责商学院GMAT入学考试的管理学研究生入学委员会(Graduate Management Admission Council,简称GMAC)提供的数据,今年计划聘用MBA毕业生的美国雇主中,只有四分之一的雇主预计会接受外籍求职者。

    Moreover, 47 per cent of those who did hire MBA graduates last year told GMAC they would not consider employing graduates born outside the US. Among the reasons given were that overseas hires cost too much, required time-consuming paperwork and often posed language barriers.


    The vote to leave the EU, driven in part by fears about immigration, has raised concerns that UK visa restrictions will be further tightened on overseas MBA students wishing to remain to work.


    Post-study employment opportunities were already hampered for this group in 2012 when the UK government removed the tier-1 visa for graduates to remain in the UK to work, which led to a sharp decline in applications from Indian students at some business schools — and at universities.

    对外国MBA学生群体来说,他们学成后就业的机会在2012年就已大大减少。当时英国政府取消了让毕业生留在英国工作的一类签证(tier-1 visa),导致部分商学院和大学的印度学生申请量大幅减少。

    Almost 10 per cent of the intake on masters courses at Henley Business School in the 2011/12 academic year were from India. A year later this was down to 2 per cent.

    2011/12学年,近10%的亨利商学院(Henley Business School)硕士课程新生来自印度。一年后该比例下滑至2%。

    Henley’s saving grace was increased applications from other markets, particularly China, says Peter Miskell, head of postgraduate studies.

    研究生教导主任彼得•米斯克尔(Peter Miskell)表示,对亨利商学院来说,幸亏其他市场(尤其是中国)申请人数增加。

    Concerns about being able to work after graduation were a problem for those studying in the UK before the vote to leave the EU, according to Sangeet Chowfla, GMAC’s president and chief executive. While the weakening British currency makes studying in the UK more attractive, this may be a transitory benefit, Mr Chowfla notes.

    根据GMAC总裁兼首席执行官桑吉特•乔弗拉(Sangeet Chowfla)的说法,在英国退欧公投之前,对毕业后能否留下工作的担忧就是留学人士的一大心病。乔弗拉指出,尽管英镑疲软增大了留学英国的吸引力,但这种益处可能是短暂的。

    “The proliferation of English-taught graduate management programmes throughout Europe is making other study destinations within the continent more appealing,” he says.


    One is Nyenrode Business Universiteit in the Netherlands. Dennis Vink, director of its Centre for Finance, notes that those coming from overseas to study at Nyenrode benefit from the relatively generous Dutch immigration rules, which allow people to work for up to a year after graduating on their student visa.

    荷兰奈尔洛德商业大学(Nyenrode Business Universiteit)就是其中之一。该校金融中心(Centre for Finance)主任丹尼斯•芬克(Dennis Vink)指出,奈尔洛德的留学生受益于荷兰相对宽松的移民规定,它允许学生签证持有者在毕业后工作最长一年时间。

    “There will be a shift towards other northern European countries,” he says.


    The reason visa restrictions have not affected the numbers applying to Henley from China and other south-east Asian countries is that students do not want to work in the UK after graduation, according to Prof Miskell.


    His concern is not just that the marked decline in Indian students may eventually negate the rise in applications from other nationals, but that Henley is becoming increasingly reliant on a small number of countries for all its overseas students.


    “We are keen to [attract] a diverse mix of students from different international markets,” Prof Miskell says. “Visa restrictions make this more difficult, as there is a danger of becoming more, rather than less, reliant on China.”


    According to Santiago Garcia, dean and director of Grenoble Graduate School of Business, MBA students are more likely to choose where to study with an eye to working in that country than those taking masters courses.

    按照法国格勒诺布尔商学院(Grenoble Graduate School of Business)院长兼教导主任圣地亚哥•加西亚(Santiago Garcia)的说法,比起就读其他硕士课程的学生,MBA学生在选择就学地点时更有可能考虑在留学国家工作的问题。

    “Masters courses recruit mostly younger [students] who are for the most part not integrated yet in the job market,” he says.


    France may become more appealing to students if visa restrictions are tightened elsewhere, according to Prof Garcia, who notes that students are allowed to work 964 hours a year on a French study visa, roughly equivalent to one year part-time or half a year full time.


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