11月3日,美国负责维护劳动者权利的机构裁定,位于拉斯维加斯的特朗普国际酒店(Trump International Hotel)拒绝与代表保洁员及其他员工的工会举行合同谈判的行为,违反了联邦法律。
Five days later, the lodging’s co-owner — Donald Trump — was elected president of the US, putting him in a position to appoint a Republican majority at the regulator, the National Labor Relations Board, that could overturn the decision.
5天后,该酒店的共同所有人——唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)——当选美国总统,使他可以任命一个共和党人占多数的国家劳资关系委员会(National Labor Relations Board),该委员会可能会推翻之前的裁定。
The possibility points to one of the central ethical dilemmas facing a Trump administration. There has never been a president-elect with more potential conflicts between his financial interests and his official duties. But with his inauguration set for January 20, Mr Trump has yet to present a formal proposal to insulate himself from criticism that he is putting aside the general welfare in favour of his own.
During the campaign, Mr Trump suggested he might transfer his holdings into a “blind trust” — in the manner of many of his predecessors — managed by his oldest children, Donald Jr, Ivanka and Eric. But critics say the trust would be neither blind, because its assets are so well-known, nor independent. They note the three Trump scions have already been named as members of their father’s transition team.
在竞选期间,特朗普曾暗示他可能会效仿之前许多位当选总统,把资产转入“保密信托”,由他三个最年长的孩子小唐纳德(Donald Jr)、伊万卡(Ivanka)和埃里克(Eric)管理。但是批评人士称,该信托将是既不保密(因为其资产是众所周知的)又不独立的。他们指出,特朗普家的这三个孩子已经被任命为父亲过渡小组的成员了。
“Just turning management over to the kids doesn’t solve the problem — he would still retain ownership,” said Richard Painter, a former White House ethics lawyer in the administration of George W Bush. “He hasn’t given us any plan that will remove those conflicts of interest.”
“只是把管理权交给孩子并不能解决问题——他仍然会保留所有权,”曾在小布什(George W Bush)政府担任白宫伦理律师的理查德•佩因特(Richard Painter)称,“他还没有给出任何可以消除这些利益冲突的计划。”
Norman Eisen, a former legal ethics adviser for President Barack Obama, said “the best thing” for Mr Trump would be to liquidate his business holdings and invest the proceeds in a real blind trust run by an independent trustee. But he adds that Mr Trump has no legal obligation to do so, nor any seeming inclination, either.
曾任总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)法律伦理顾问的诺曼•艾森(Norman Eisen)称,特朗普“最好”能出售其商业资产并把所得收入投入由独立受托人管理的真正的保密信托中。但是他补充称,特朗普没有这么做的法律义务,也没有表现出任何类似意向。
“We have never confronted a situation like this one before and it poses some very serious challenges and risks,” Mr Eisen says. “As the shock of the result wears off, the president-elect and his team — and all of us — need to address those risks.”
Mr Painter said he sees two big potential conflicts for Mr Trump. The first involves his hundreds of millions of dollars in debt and the perception that his borrowings could influence regulation in his administration.
Complicating matters further is the fact that one of Mr Trump’s biggest current lenders is Deutsche Bank, which is now in talks with the US Department of Justice involving its handling of mortgage-backed securities.
使问题更为复杂的是,特朗普目前最大的债权人之一是德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)。该银行目前正在就其对抵押贷款证券的处理与美国司法部(US Department of Justice)进行谈判。
Another pitfall involves a section of the US constitution known as the “emoluments clause”. It essentially forbids a president from receiving anything of value from “any king, prince or foreign state” without congressional approval — no small issue for a business executive with holdings from Ireland and Scotland to Panama and the Philippines that could benefit materially from policies in those places.
Other potential difficulties can be found closer to home. The Trump Organization, for example, now operates a hotel in the government-owned Old Post Office Building in Washington. As president, Mr Trump would appoint the head of the federal General Services Administration, which manages the property in the nation’s capital.
其他潜在的困难可能出现在不那么遥远的地方。例如,特朗普集团(Trump Organization)如今在华盛顿由政府所有的老邮局大楼(Old Post Office Building)里经营着一家酒店。作为总统,特朗普将任命联邦总务署(General Services Administration)的负责人,该机构管理那座位于美国首府的大楼。
His reputation as a man of the people could be put at risk by his oversight of the National Labor Relations Board. Because of squabbles in recent years between Mr Obama and the Republican-controlled Senate, only three of the five seats on the board have been filled, two by Democrats and one by a Republican.
Catherine Fisk, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine, said she expects Mr Trump will be able to quickly win Senate approval for two new members of the NLRB, giving Republicans control of the agency.
加州大学欧文分校(University of California,Irvine)的法学教授凯瑟琳•菲斯克(Catherine Fisk)称,她认为特朗普可以很快得到参议院的批准,任命两位新的国家劳资关系委员会委员,使得共和党人控制该委员会。
Although the NLRB is unlikely to revisit findings of fact, she said “clever lawyers” might be able to come up with a potential challenge to the board’s ruling requiring the Trump International Hotel to negotiate with the Culinary Workers Union in Las Vegas.
尽管国家劳资关系委员会不太可能重新审核认定的事实,但是她称“聪明的律师”可能会想出可能挑战该委员会这一裁定(要求特朗普国际酒店与拉斯维加斯餐饮业工会(Culinary Workers Union)举行谈判)的办法。
Meanwhile, the Trump Organisation — which did not respond to requests for comment — has appealed against the ruling to the US Court of Appeals in Washington.
与此同时,特朗普集团已就该判决上诉至位于华盛顿的美国上诉法院(US Court of Appeals)。该集团未回应置评请求。
“Everyone expects that many of the decisions of the past eight years will be reversed,” Ms Fisk said.
“It certainly raises the risk that the president is going to govern not in the interest of the electorate, but in his own interest.”