如果说亚洲还有什么人比外交政策圈子对唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)表现出的不拘外交礼节的意愿反应更强烈的,那便是他在中国内地的粉丝群体了。
By taking a phone call on Friday from Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen, Mr Trump broke with decades of precedent and upended a careful word game that allows the US to recognise a single China, ruled from Beijing, while at the same time preserving the breakaway island’s democratic self-rule. He followed up on Sunday with tweets bashing China’s island-building in the South China Sea and the value of its currency.
上周五接了台湾总统蔡英文(Tsai Ing-wen)一个电话,使特朗普打破了数十年的先例,颠覆了一个仔细构筑的文字游戏。后者允许美国在承认从北京统治的一个中国的同时,保住分离岛屿台湾的民主自治。而在周日,特朗普在Twitter上跟进发布了多条消息,抨击中国在南中国海(South China Sea)的造岛行为以及中国的汇率政策。
That has convulsed Mr Trump’s Chinese supporters, who had backed the reality-TV star for his outspokenness, in contrast to what they saw as the “politically correct” attitudes of Hillary Clinton.
上述举动令特朗普在中国的支持者极为震惊。此前,与他们眼中希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的“政治正确”态度相比,他们对这位电视真人秀明星的直言不讳十分支持。
He is “the only one that dares to point out the true crises the US is facing”, wrote Hu Jiaxuan in a typical post on an online forum for Chinese Trump fans.
Mr Trump’s supporters also included a large number of recent Chinese immigrants to the US, who applauded the president-elect’s incendiary comments linking Islam with terrorism and his vows to expel illegal Mexican immigrants.
But for some, the, the honeymoon is over: “I’m no longer a Trump fan starting today, because he’s not on the same boat with us,” wrote “Huaji” after news emerged of his call with Ms Tsai.
Surprisingly for an online space saturated with nationalist opinion, the Chinese internet also lit up with a number of self-declared fans cheering Mr Trump on.
“He’s someone who’s willing to make sacrifices for his country and this deserves respect and is part of his personal charisma,” declared a writer with the handle “hasaki facing the sun” on Sina Weibo, a Chinese equivalent of Twitter. “Of course we still know he’s the president of the US, the leader of the arch-enemy, and we still bash him when needed.”
在中国版Twitter新浪微博(Sina Weibo)上,一个id为“Hasaki facing the sun”的作者宣称“他是个愿意为他的国家作出牺牲的人,这值得我们的尊敬,也是他个人魅力的一部分。当然,我们仍然知道他是美国总统,是敌对国家的领导人,必要时我们仍会抨击他。”
Beijing’s stern but cautious response to Mr Trump’s words has opened a rare opportunity for debate, since China has not yet decided what stance to take towards Mr Trump. When Beijing’s position is clear, any online discussion of Chinese foreign policy tends to be drowned out in a flood of “red” posts defending the official stance.
“No one I’ve seen has changed his or her mind on Trump because of the call with Tsai,” said Kaiser Kuo, founder of the podcast Sinica who has written about support for Mr Trump among new Chinese immigrants to America. “Generally, they’re willing to go through all sorts of contortions to avoid changing their minds.”
播客Sinica创始人郭怡广(Kaiser Kuo)表示:“我没见过因为和蔡英文通电话而改变对特朗普看法的人。总体上,他们愿意经历种种纠结而不改变自己的看法。”郭此前曾写过有关美国华裔新移民支持特朗普的文章。
China’s embattled liberal commenters took the opportunity to rebuke Mr Trump’s Chinese supporters. “The reason fans support Trump is because they are themselves extreme nationalists. It’s just that their intelligence is not high enough to realise the nationalism of America is irreconcilable with the nationalism of China,” read a post under the name of LiuBin.