意大利总理马泰奥•伦齐(Matteo Renzi)在一场就其招牌性的宪法改革举行的公投中遭遇惨败,随后宣布将辞去总理职务。这一公投结果令意大利陷入政治危机,并引发了对意大利银行体系将发生动荡的担忧。
Italians rejected the constitutional changes — designed to ease gridlock in the country’s political system — by a wide margin of 59-41 per cent, according to early returns, in a vote marked by a high turnout of nearly 69 per cent.
In an emotional press conference at the Palazzo Chigi early on Monday, Mr Renzi said the outcome had been “extraordinarily clear”.
周一早,伦齐在基吉宫(Palazzo Chigi)举行新闻发布会,他情绪激动地表示公投结果已“十分明确”。
“We gave Italians a chance to change. It was simple and clear, but we didn’t make it,” he said. Mr Renzi said that he should bear the entire responsibility of the loss, and announced that he would submit his resignation to Italy’s president, Sergio Mattarella, on Monday afternoon.
伦齐说:“我们给了意大利人一个改变的机会。这个机会简单明了,但我们没有成功。”他表示自己应承担失败的全部责任,并宣布他将于周一下午向意大利总统塞尔焦•马塔雷拉(Sergio Mattarella)提交辞呈。
The political instability triggered by Mr Renzi’s defeat could jeopardise plans by Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Italy’s struggling third-largest bank, to raise up to €5bn by the end of the year. The bank and its advisers are expected to meet on Monday morning to decide whether to go ahead with the plan.
伦齐落败引发的政治不稳定可能会危及意大利第三大银行西雅那银行(Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena)的筹款计划,该银行目前陷入困境,计划在年底前筹资至多50亿欧元。西雅那银行及其顾问预计将在周一早举行会议决定是否继续执行该计划。
And the euro sank to 20-months lows in Asia early on Monday, falling as low as $1.0505.
Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far right National Front in France, cheered Mr Renzi’s defeat, saying the “thirst of freedom” coming from Italy needed to be listened to.
法国极右翼国民阵线(National Front)领导人马琳•勒庞(Marine Le Pen)为伦齐的失败欢呼,她表示人们需要倾听意大利流露出的对“自由的渴望”。