“With us, the rule is: show your face, that’s why the full veil is not appropriate,” said the German chancellor to loud applause at her conservative Christian Democrat (CDU) party’s annual conference. The veil “should be banned” wherever this is legally possible, she said. “对我们而言,规则是:露出你的脸,这就是为什么全脸面纱不合适,”这位德国总理在保守的基督教民主联盟(CDU)年度党代会上说。这番话赢得了热烈的掌声。她表示,只要符合法律规定,这种面纱“应该被禁止”。
The chancellor, who is standing for a fourth term next year, is toughening her approach to integration in response to public concern about the arrival of more than 1m mainly Muslim immigrants in Germany over the past two years. 明年将寻求第四个总理任期的默克尔在移民融入问题上趋于强硬,是为了回应民众对过去两年以穆斯林为主的逾100万移民涌入德国的担忧。
Ms Merkel is seeking to confront the rise of the populist anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany party, which is threatening support for her centre-right CDU. 默克尔正寻求应对反移民的民粹主义政党德国新选择党(Alternative for Germany)的崛起,该党正在威胁默克尔所在的中右翼的基民盟的民意支持率。
The ban was proposed in a wide-ranging speech by Ms Merkel aimed at convincing the CDU to rally behind her in the election battle. Through the speech, the chancellor was reaching out to the CSU, the CDU’s more conservative Bavarian sister party, which has so far withheld its formal approval for an expected joint campaign next year. 默克尔是在发表一场涉及广泛范围的演讲中提议禁止全脸面纱的,演讲的主要目的是说服基民盟团结起来支持她参选。默克尔在演讲中向巴伐利亚州的基督教社会联盟(CSU)抛出了橄榄枝。基社盟是基民盟更保守的姐妹党,预计将在明年的选举中与基民盟联合参选,但迄今还未正式批准这一行动。
In the conference’s annual vote for the chairmanship of her party, Ms Merkel won 89.5 per cent. That fell short of the 96.7 per cent the German chancellor won two years ago before the refugee crisis, but party officials saw it as a good result as some had feared her support could drop to as low as 80 per cent following the migrant crisis. 在基民盟党代会推选党主席的年度投票中,默克尔的得票率为89.5%。两年前尚未爆发移民危机时她的得票率为96.7%,不过党内官员认为这个结果已经不错,一些人原本担心移民危机后默克尔支持率会降到80%。
“A vote of nearly 90 per cent is a success, especially when you recall that Sigmar Gabriel [leader of the centre-left Social Democrats] recently scored only 74 per cent [in his party chairmanship vote],” Gunther Krichbaum, chairman of the Bundestag EU affairs committee, told the FT. 德国联邦议院(Bundestag)欧盟事务委员会主席贡特尔•克里希鲍姆(Gunther Krichbaum)告诉英国《金融时报》:“能赢得近90%票数已经算成功了,尤其是考虑到西格马尔•加布里尔(Sigmar Gabriel)只拿到了74%的票。”加布里尔是中左翼的社会民主党(SPD)的领导人,该党最近举行了党主席投票。
Recognising the importance of immigration policies for her audience and the voters, Ms Merkel opened her speech, in the industrial city of Essen, with a pledge to prevent any repeat of the mid-2015 refugee crisis, when inflows into Germany increased from thousands monthly to tens of thousands. 认识到移民政策对听众及选民的重要性,默克尔在演讲一开始就承诺要防止2015年中期的难民危机重演,当时流入德国的难民从每月数千名上升到数万名。基民盟这次会议在工业城市埃森(Essen)举行。
That situation “cannot, should not and must not be repeated”, said the chancellor, who has previously said the full veil was incompatible with integration and called for a limited ban in public buildings such as courtrooms 默克尔表示,这种局面“不可以、不应当、也绝不能再现”。此前,她曾表示全脸面纱与移民融合不相容,并呼吁在法庭等公共设施内实施有限的禁令。
Even though only an estimated few thousand women wear the full veil in Germany, many conservatives portray it as a symbol of the reluctance of many Muslims to integrate fully. 在德国,估计只有几千名妇女佩戴全脸面纱。尽管如此,许多保守派人士称它是许多穆斯林不愿完全融入德国社会的象征。
Ms Merkel’s pledge was welcomed by many in her party. “It was good to hear this so clearly from her own mouth. We need a ban on the full veil in Germany because the veil is a hindrance to integration,” said Mr Krichbaum. 默克尔的承诺受到了党内许多人的欢迎。克里希鲍姆表示:“听到这话从她嘴里如此明确地说出来是件好事。我们需要在德国禁止佩戴全脸面纱,因为这种面纱已成为移民融入德国的障碍。”
However, the chancellor’s comments left unresolved how a ban might be implemented given constitutional guarantees for freedom of religion and expression. These have previously been cited as obstacles by some officials including Thomas de Maizière, the interior minister. 不过,默克尔的言论没有触及一个问题:考虑到德国宪法对宗教信仰自由和言论自由的保障,这样的禁令该如何实施。此前,包括德国内政部长托马斯•德迈齐埃(Thomas de Maizière)在内的部分官员曾称,上述保障条例是实施禁令的障碍。
In conference motions the CDU was expected to support a wide-ranging toughening of party immigration policies including a call for agreements with North African countries so that migrants heading to Europe and intercepted at sea could be returned to North African refugee processing centres. 基民盟预计会在此次党代会的动议中支持大面积收紧该党移民政策,其中包括呼吁与北非国家签署协议,以便将前往欧洲和在海上截获的移民遣返北非难民处置中心。
The CDU/CSU bloc has risen modestly in recent opinion polls following a series of government measures to toughen asylum and integration laws. But at about 33-35 per cent the bloc’s support is short of the 41 per cent it won in the 2013 election. 在推出一系列政府举措收紧有关避难和融合的法律之后,“基民盟/基社盟”联盟在近期民调中的支持率已略有上升,不过,其目前大约33%到35%的支持率还是低于2013年大选中的41%的水平。
Perhaps seeking more connection with her party, Ms Merkel addressed delegates using the informal “Ihr” (meaning “you”) rather than the more formal “Sie”. In return she was given an 11-minute standing ovation that seemed to reflect the habits of a well-disciplined party rather than spontaneous enthusiasm. 也许是为了加强与本党的联系,在向党员代表讲话时,默克尔用了非正式的“Ihr”(意思是“你们”),而不是更为正式的“Sie”(您)。作为回报,迎接她的是长达11分钟的起立鼓掌。不过,这似乎反映了一个有良好纪律约束的政党的习惯,而不是自发的热情表现。
“I would have wanted even more [of a conservative line] but this was her best conference speech in more than a decade,” said Josef Rickfelder, a delegate from the city of Munster in north western Germany. 来自德国西北部明斯特市(Munster)的代表约瑟夫•里克费尔德(Josef Rickfelder)表示:“我本希望能听到更多(保守主义言论)。不过,这是她逾十年来最好的一次会议演说。”