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    The Asia-Pacific region is an increasingly important driver of global growth, and sits in an increasingly delicate strategic equilibrium. One country poses an imminent danger to the region’s stability and therefore its prosperity: North Korea. The regime in Pyongyang is persistent in pursuit of nuclear weapons and the missiles to deploy them over long distances. The stand-off is terribly dangerous already, and will grow worse. Stronger international engagement is needed — now.


    Experts believe that North Korea possesses more than 20 nuclear bombs. It has deployed ballistic missiles with ranges that extend to Japan, and has been performing tests with the aim of developing missiles that can reach the west coast of the US. It is a matter of time before it can make nuclear bombs compact enough for such missiles to carry: five years is the consensus estimate. The US and its allies could not and should not tolerate this. The threat is not limited to the Pacific. In 2008, US government officials alleged that Pyongyang had attempted to help Syria develop a nuclear facility.


    The international community needs to bring North Korea back to the table for multilateral talks, with the end of the missile programme as the proximate goal. There are three keys for success. First, an unambiguous warning to Pyongyang that the world will never, under any conditions, acknowledge it as a legitimate or permanent nuclear power. Second, backing these warnings with heavier sanctions. Finally, the US, South Korea and Japan must accelerate their co-operation on a missile defence network in the region.


    On sanctions, the crucial issue is support from China. In November the UN Security Council, in response to North Korea’s latest nuclear test, passed multilateral sanctions targeting the coal trade. Coal is one of the country’s key sources of hard currency, but this will not be enough. In negotiations with China, the US reportedly called for tougher measures, such as an oil embargo. China would not agree. It has good reason: if the regime were to collapse, it faces the prospect of refugees flooding over its border or even sharing a border with a unified Korea that is a US ally and host to US troops.

    制裁方面,关键问题是要得到中国支持。联合国安理会(UN Security Council)在11月通过了对朝鲜煤炭贸易的多边制裁,作为对朝鲜最近一次核试验的回应。煤炭是朝鲜获得硬通货的主要来源之一,但这一制裁还不够。据报道,美国在与中国的谈判中要求采取更严厉的措施,例如石油禁运。中国不会同意美国的要求,其理由很充分:如果平壤政权崩溃,中国面对的将是难民如潮水一般向中国边境涌来,而且中国甚至可能要与一个作为美国盟友、有美军驻守的统一的朝鲜比邻而居。

    Yet China accounts for 90 per cent of North Korea’s international trade. Without some degree of Chinese co-operation, UN sanctions cannot tighten meaningfully. A middle way, in which China notches up the pressure without posing an existential threat to the Pyongyang regime, must be found.


    If the US, Japan and South Korea, accelerate missile defence co-operation, they could increase their own safety while giving China reason to adjust its stance. The three countries have already moved in this direction. The trio also conducted its first joint missile defence exercise in Hawaii in June. In July, Washington and Seoul agreed to deploy a new American missile defence system in South Korea. In November, Japan and South Korea signed an intelligence pact.


    China opposes high-altitude defence deployment in South Korea. It appears to worry that it will weaken its own missile capability. This opens the way for a quid pro quo: help with sanctions in return for missile defence concessions.


    Progress will be made infinitely more difficult if China-US relations degrade. President-elect Donald Trump appears intent on shaking up the relationship, using Taiwan as a bargaining chip. If pursued, this will become a game for the highest possible stakes. One must hope that the Mr Trump has thought through his strategy. At the very least, it puts progress on North Korea in doubt.

    如果中美关系恶化,这一进程的推进难度将大大增加。美国当选总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)似乎一心打算改变美中关系格局,将台湾作为议价筹码。如果他推行这一策略,这将是一盘赌注无穷高的游戏。只求特朗普的这一策略是经过深思熟虑的。至少,这一策略让能否在朝鲜问题上取得进展变得不好说了。

      上一篇:短线视点:美联储加息与人民币贬值哪个更可怕? 下一篇:中国监管新规伤及对外娱乐业收购


