联合国星期一表示,恐怖主义和其他暴力活动去年造成6千8百78 名平民丧生,1万2千3百88人受伤。
But the casualty figures may actually be higherbecause they do not include civilians who were killedor injured in Iraq's western Anbar province duringthe months of May, July, August and December.
The U.N. said civilian casualty figures for December are lower compared to previous months,despite noticing an increase in terrorist bombings toward the end of the month that targetedcivilians.
"There is, no doubt, an attempt by Daesh (an Arabic acronym for Islamic State) to divertattention from their losses in (the Iraqi city) of Mosul and, unfortunately, it is the innocentcivilians who are paying the price," said Jan Kubis, Special Representative of the U.N. SecretaryGeneral for Iraq.