Students at Tianjin Chengjian University took to social media to condemn the article, which was included in an English language test on Wednesday for sophomores at the school.
According to a photo of the test uploaded by a student on Sina Weibo, the article contains phrases such as "you don’t want to be a waited girlfriend (sic)" and "a man needs an easy relationship."
据新浪微博上一名学生上传的这场考试的照片显示,这篇文章中含有像“你不想成为一个独守空房的女友(you don’t want to be a waited girlfriend)”和“男人需要一个简单的关系(a man needs an easy relationship)”等语句。
The teacher said the article was for testing purposes only and did not represent the opinions of the school, according to people.cn Monday.
The text was apparently taken from the article "Why a man will marry you" by Nicole Gayle, a regular contributor on dating and relationships for ezinearticles.com.
Opinions on social media were mixed, with a surprising number of comments playing down the accusations.
"Be clear that it is only a reading comprehension test, not an official opinion," wrote Net user "Xuyidong."