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    Theresa May was central to pushing through the new spying laws in her job as home secretaryGetty Images


    The UK's Investigatory Powers Act is now in effect, placing Britain under some of the widest-ranging spying powers ever seen.


    The law – passed last month but going into effect on 30 December – is intended as an updateto Britain's often unwieldy surveillance legislation. But it also includes a large set of newpowers – including the ability to collect the browsing records of everyone in the country andhave them read by authorities as diverse as the Food Standards Agency and the Departmentfor Work and Pensions.


    Most of the central parts of the act are now in force. That includes new powers to gather andretain data on citizens, and new ways to force technology companies and others to hand overthe data that they have about people to intelligence agencies.


    Many of the most invasive powers in the bill haven't yet gone into force. That includes, forinstance, the collection of those Internet Connection Records, which has been postponed untilthe government and internet companies have worked out how they can collect suchinformation safely.


    The government has argued that the powers introduced in the bill are necessary to allowintelligence agencies and police to stop modern crime and prosecute the people involved in it.


    But Bella Sankey, Amnesty’s policy director, said that it was a "sad day" when the bill passedinto law last month.

    但是大赦政策顾问Bella Sanky表示,上个月通过该法案的那天是“悲哀的”一天。

    “The Home Secretary is right that the Government has a duty to protect us, but thesemeasures won’t do the job," she said then. "Instead they open every detail of every citizen’sonline life up to state eyes, drowning the authorities in data and putting innocent people’spersonal information at massive risk.


    "This new law is world-leading – but only as a beacon for despots everywhere. The campaignfor a surveillance law fit for the digital age continues, and must now move to the courts."


    The law has been opposed by tens of thousands of people in a public petition. But much ofthat opposition only started after the bill was quietly passed into law by MPs, meaning that itwas unlikely to have any effect.


    But some of the central powers of the law were criticised by European courts earlier this month.As such, the law is set to face a range of legal challenges and could be changed in the comingmonths and years.



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