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    Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Ex-Presidentof Iran, Dies at 82


    Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a formerpresident of Iran and a founder of the IslamicRepublic, who navigated the opaque shoals of hiscountry’s theocracy as one of its most enduringand wealthiest leaders, died Sunday in Tehran. Hewas 82.

    伊朗前总统、这个伊斯兰共和国开国元勋阿亚图拉阿里·阿克巴尔·哈什米·拉夫桑贾尼(Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani)周日在德黑兰去世,享年82岁。作为伊朗影响力最持久、最富有的领导人之一,他领导该国度过了神权政治的诸多险滩。

    His death was announced by Iran’s state television.


    As his career seesawed through periods of revolutionary zeal and confrontation withpowerful conservative rivals, he was portrayed as a Machiavellian and often ruthless player inthe power struggles among Iran’s elite factions, protected by his close association withAyatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the revolutionary leader who overthrew the shah in 1979.

    他的职业生涯随着革命热情的不同时期和强大保守派对手的挑战而起伏不定。在这个过程中,他被描绘成伊朗精英派中一个在权力斗争上不择手段,而且往往冷酷无情的角色。他因为与1979年推翻伊朗国王的革命领袖阿亚图拉鲁霍拉·霍梅尼(Ruhollah Khomeini)关系密切,而受到保护。

    Known as a pragmatist and centrist inclined toward economic liberalism and politicalauthoritarianism, Rafsanjani was accused by critics of corruption in amassing his fortune andof a readiness for harsh tactics to deal with dissent.


    Argentina has accused Rafsanjani and other senior Iranian figures of complicity in the 1994bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, in which 85 people died. In 1997, aGerman court concluded that the highest levels of Iran’s political leadership had ordered thekilling five years earlier of four exiled Iranian Kurdish dissidents in Berlin. Rafsanjani waspresident from 1989 to 1997.


    Yet many Western analysts believed that he sought a less confrontational relationship withthe United States than other powerful figures in the Iranian hierarchy. Rafsanjani, for instance,was credited with suggesting that “Death to America” be dropped from the litany of slogans atTehran’s Friday prayers.


    In the closing stages of the Iran-Iraq war, which lasted from 1980 to 1988, Rafsanjani wasappointed acting commander in chief of Iranian forces and was widely credited with persuadingthe leadership in Tehran to accept a U.N. resolution that ended the fighting.


    For much of his career, he maintained roles in parliament and on influential clerical panels.


    Rafsanjani’s clout declined sharply during the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, from2005 to 2013. A populist conservative, Ahmadinejad had a strong following among poorIranians, many of whom resented the affluence that endeared Rafsanjani to his wealthiercompatriots.

    在马哈茂德·艾哈迈迪-内贾德(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)于2005年至2013年担任伊朗总统期间,拉夫桑贾尼的影响力急剧下降。作为一名民粹主义保守派,艾哈迈迪-内贾德在伊朗穷人中有很强的号召力,其中不少人憎恨财富,但恰恰是财富让拉夫桑贾尼深受他那些有钱同胞的喜爱。

    In 2013, Rafsanjani was disqualified from standing in presidential elections and swung hispolitical weight behind a moderate, longtime associate, Hassan Rouhani, who won the voteand went on to bring many of Rafsanjani’s supporters into his Cabinet and to negotiate thenuclear agreement with the United States in 2015.

    2013年,拉夫桑贾尼被取消了总统竞选资格,他将自己的政治影响力转移到老朋友、温和派的哈桑·鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)身上,后者赢得了大选,继而将拉夫桑贾尼的许多支持者召入自己的内阁,并在2015年与美国达成了核协议。


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