BBC新闻 – 作为围绕韩国被弹劾总统朴槿惠的腐败调查的一部分,两名三星高管遭到讯问。
The firm is accused of giving large donations tonon-profit foundations operated by Choi Soon-sil, aclose confidante of Ms Park. The donations wereallegedly given in exchange for political support of acontroversial merger. Ms Choi has been chargedwith coercion and attempted fraud.
According to South Korea's Yonhap news agency, Choi Gee-sung, a Samsung vice chairman,and Chang Choong-ki, a president at the group, were being interviewed on Monday by specialprosecutors about the corruption allegations. It was reported the pair were being treated aswitnesses, rather than being suspected of any wrongdoing.

The claims circle around a merger between the electronics giant's construction arm, SamsungC&T, and an affiliate firm, Cheil Industries.
The deal went through despite significant opposition from shareholders, who said it would hurtminority shareholders while benefiting the family of Samsung's group owner Lee Kun-hee.South Korea's National Pension Service (NPS), which owns stakes in both companies, sealed thedeal by voting in favour of it and the head of the NPS has since been arrested.