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    Jared Kushner has been named senior adviser to Donald Trump, formalising the role of the president-elect’s son-in-law as one of the most powerful people in the incoming White House.

    贾里德•库什纳(Jared Kushner)已被任命为唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的高级顾问,这位美国当选总统的女婿正式成为新一届美国政府中最有权势的人之一。

    The 35-year-old property developer, who is married to Mr Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka, will be taking the role without salary. Ms Trump will not be taking an immediate role in the administration.

    这位35岁的地产开发商是特朗普长女伊万卡•特朗普(Ivanka Trump)的丈夫,他出任这一职务将不领任何薪水。伊万卡自己则不会在特朗普政府内直接任职。

    Transition officials said Mr Kushner would work closely alongside Mr Trump’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and his chief strategist, Steve Bannon.

    过渡团队的官员表示,库什纳将与特朗普的幕僚长雷恩斯•普里巴斯(Reince Priebus)及首席战略师史蒂夫•班农(Steve Bannon)密切合作。

    The role does not require Senate confirmation but Mr Kushner will divest his main real estate and media holdings. He will resign as chief executive of Kushner Companies, his family’s real estate company, and sell the New York Observer — the pink New York newspaper that he has owned since 2008. He will also divest his stake in 666 Fifth Avenue, the New York skyscraper owned by Kushner Companies.

    尽管出任这一职位无需得到美国参议院批准,但库什纳仍将处理掉名下的主要房地产和传媒资产。他将辞去其家族房地产企业库什纳公司(Kushner Companies)的首席执行官一职,并卖掉《纽约观察家》(New York Observer)。《纽约观察家》是纽约一家以粉红色纸张印刷的报纸,自2008年起便归库什纳所有。此外,他还将处理掉手中持有的第五大道666号(666 Fifth Avenue)的股份。第五大道666号是库什纳公司旗下在纽约的一座摩天大楼。

    In a statement, Mr Trump praised Mr Kushner as “an invaluable member” of his team. “Jared has been a tremendous asset and trusted adviser throughout the campaign and transition and I am proud to have him in a key leadership role in my administration.”


    Mr Kushner will not take a salary in the new administration in a bid to satisfy legal concerns about whether his appointment would violate the 1967 federal nepotism law, which bans US presidents from appointing their immediate family members to head federal agencies, including the spouses of their children.


    Mr Kushner’s lawyers believe that his appointment will not be in breach of the nepotism law as Mr Kushner is not being appointed to run a federal agency. As legal precedent, they are citing the example of Hillary Clinton who helped shepherd the White House’s healthcare policy during the administration of her husband Bill Clinton.

    库什纳的律师认为,由于并没有任命库什纳掌管一家联邦机构,因此对他的任命不会违反反裙带关系法。他们还援引了希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的例子作为法律上的先例。希拉里曾在其夫比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)政府任内帮忙指导白宫的医疗卫生政策。

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