唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)的故事比好莱坞电影的情节更加奇葩、更加耸人听闻——这一点早已不是新闻。周二出现了一个新鲜和令人惊愕的情节转折:有报道称,美国情报机构向总统和当选总统两人都通报了一连串不利于特朗普的指控。相关文件包含的具体指控已经发表,因此它们现在已经人尽皆知。以下是消化这条消息时值得记住的五个要点。
1. The two most damaging allegations are that there was illicit communication between theTrump campaign and the Russian government and that the Russians have compromisingmaterial on bizarre sexual behaviour by Mr Trump. These allegations have been circulatingamong many news organisations (including the Financial Times) for weeks. But, until now,nobody had yet published them because they are unproven.
2. These allegations are being taken seriously. Mr Trump has already dismissed the story asfake news and a political witch-hunt. The fact that no reputable news organisation has been ableto corroborate them also damages the credibility of the charges. On the other hand, as anexcellent Lawfare blog observes: “The president and president-elect do not get briefed onmaterial that the intelligence community does not believe to be at least of some credibility.”But it should also be noted that some of the charges already seem to be falling apart. MrTrump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, who is alleged to have met Russian operatives in Prague, hastweeted that he has never been to Prague in his life.
2.这些指控正得到认真对待。特朗普已经完全否认这条消息,称其为假消息和政治迫害。没有一家声誉良好的新闻机构能够证实这些指控,这一事实损害了相关指控的可信度。另一方面,正如法律网站Lawfare上一篇精辟的博客文章所指出的:“总统和当选总统不会得到情报界不相信至少有一些可信度的材料的简报。”但也应该指出,其中一些指控似乎已经被证明站不住脚。被指曾在布拉格与俄罗斯特工见面的特朗普的律师迈克尔?科恩(Michael Cohen)在Twitter上写道,他从来没有去过布拉格。

3. The broader context is important. One reason why these allegations are potentially sodamaging is that they fit into a broader narrative. For months, political analysts have beenscratching their heads about why Mr Trump is so pro-Russian. More recently, there has beenspeculation about why the president-elect was so dismissive of allegations of Russian hackingduring the election. The most obvious explanation is simply that Mr Trump resents anythingthat casts doubt on the legitimacy of his election. However, there have also long beentheories that Russian intelligence had some damaging Kompromat (compromising material) onMr Trump.
4. The immediate impact is likely to be limited. Some of Mr Trump’s opponents hope thatthese stories are so explosive that they could yet prevent Mr Trump becoming president. Thisis highly unlikely. The inauguration takes place on January 20. Mr Trump hascomprehensively denied the allegations. However, the president-elect’s press conference onWednesday should be quite a spectacle. There is a certain irony to the fact that Mr Trump,who spent many months peddling a false allegation that President Barack Obama was not bornin the US, should now be complaining about “fake news”.
4.直接影响很可能是有限的。特朗普的一些反对者希望这些故事具有如此巨大的爆炸力,以至于它们可以阻止特朗普成为总统。这是极不可能的。就职典礼将于1月20日举行。特朗普已全面否认了这些指控。然而,当选总统周三举行的记者会相当有看头。有一个事实具有一定讽刺意味:曾经花了很多个月来兜售有关巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统不是在美国出生这一虚假指控的特朗普,现在抱怨起“假消息”来。
5. The long-term impact could be damaging. It is possible that, in the coming days, theseallegations will be comprehensively debunked. In that case, they will not hurt Mr Trump. Theycould even help by casting doubt on all the many other allegations that are certain to be hurledat him during his presidency. However, if Congress and the intelligence agencies insist ondigging further into these stories and into the general issue of Russian hacking, the TrumpWhite House will be weakened.
The worst case would be that Mr Trump is dogged by a long-running investigation. It is worthremembering that the Watergate scandal, which originated in events during an election, tooktwo years before it eventually forced President Nixon’s resignation. The sexual allegationsagainst Mr Trump — although vigorously denied — are also damaging to the new president’sdignity. It is not good to take the oath of office against a background of sniggering.