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    France’s far-right party leader Marine Le Pen promised a crackdown on foreigners and the forces of globalisation if she won the presidency as she kicked off her campaign for a highly unpredictable election.

    法国极右翼政党领导人马琳•勒庞(Marine Le Pen)承诺,如果她当选总统,她的政府将打击外国人和全球化的力量。面对一场高度不可预测的选举,她启动了自己的竞选。

    Launching her bid in front of a 3,000-strong crowd in Lyon on Sunday, she laid out a plan to pull the country out the euro, tax foreign workers, impose trade barriers and stop “uncontrolled immigration”.


    Interrupted by chants of “France! France!” and “On est chez nous!” (“This is our country”), she told a raucous crowd that the country was threatened by the “two totalitarianisms” of economic globalisation and Islamic fundamentalism.

    在台下不时爆发出的“法兰西!法兰西”以及“这是我们的国家”(On est chez nous!)呼喊声中,勒庞告诉喧嚣的人群,法国正受到“两个极权主义”的威胁,一个是经济全球化,另一个是伊斯兰原教旨主义。

    She also called on her supporters to take heart from the global anti-establishment surge that led the UK to vote to leave the EU last year as well as the victory of Donald Trump. “The winds of change are turning around the world,” she said. “People are waking up!”

    她还呼吁她的支持者从全球反建制潮流中得到鼓舞;这股潮流去年已推动英国人投票退出欧盟,推动美国人把唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)选为总统。“变化之风正在吹遍世界,”她说。“人们正在清醒过来!”

    Polls show Ms Le Pen, the 48-year-old daughter of the founder of the National Front party, Jean-Marie Le Pen, winning the first round of the French election on April 23 and then losing the May 7 run-off to a more mainstream candidate.

    现年48岁的勒庞是国民阵线党(National Front party)创始人让-马里•勒庞(Jean-Marie Le Pen)的女儿。民调显示,她将在4月23日的法国大选第一轮投票中胜出,随后在5月7日的对决中输给一名更为主流的候选人。

    But the collapse of support for the Socialist party, the funding scandal engulfing the centre-right candidate, and the youth and inexperience of the independent centrist Emmanuel Macron have offered the FN hopes of victory.

    但是,社会党的支持崩溃、中右翼候选人深陷资金丑闻,以及独立的中间派埃曼纽尔•马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)年轻缺乏经验,都给国民阵线党带来胜利希望。

    Jean-Lin Lacapelle, a senior party official, said: “We were told Donald Trump would never win in the US against the media, against the establishment, but he won . . . We were told Marine Le Pen would not win, but on May 7 she will win.”

    国民阵线党高级官员让-林•拉卡佩勒(Jean-Lin Lacapelle)说:“我们曾被告知,在媒体和建制派的反对下,唐纳德•特朗普不可能赢得美国大选,但他赢了……我们被告知马琳•勒庞不会赢,但5月7日她会赢。”

    Financial markets have over the past month been pricing in the increasing risk of a Le Pen victory, with French 10-year bond yields rising steeply. A report by UBS Wealth Management last week gave Ms Le Pen a 40 per cent chance of becoming president.

    从金融市场行情看,勒庞当选的风险在过去一个月不断加大,法国10年期国债收益率大幅上升。瑞银财富管理(UBS Wealth Management)上周一份报告称,勒庞有40%的机会当选总统。

    Since Ms Le Pen succeeded her father as party head in 2011, the FN has softened its xenophobic rhetoric and developed a statist platform designed to attract blue-collar workers disappointed by the left.


    This strategy has helped her party thrive in areas of France that have felt the brunt of deindustrialisation, tapping into growing disillusion among traditional leftwing voters who feel abandoned by the mainstream political class.


    The 144 “presidential commitments” Ms Le Pen presented over the weekend as the basis of her policy platform suggest she wants to further broaden the party’s appeal.


    In the document, for example, gone was any mention of restoring the death penalty, which had been part of her previous programmes. There was also a long tract on the importance of the environment.


    But her speech on Sunday — where she evoked an “ideological battle” against the “barbarism” of radical Islam — made clear that her anti-immigration stance would remain at the core of her agenda over the coming months.


    Her promises included: a special tax on job contracts for foreigners; slashing migration by 80 per cent to 10,000 people a year; making it much harder to become a French citizen; and stopping undocumented migrants becoming French citizens.


    Party supporters seemed to appreciate this focus. Pierre Chardin, a 71-year-old former engineer at the campaign launch in Lyon, said immigration was the most important issue. “Jobs should go to French workers first . . . there are too many foreigners around where I live,” he said.

    该党支持者似乎赞赏这一政策重点。在里昂的竞选启动集会上,71岁的前工程师皮埃尔•夏尔丹(Pierre Chardin)表示,移民是最重要的问题。“工作岗位应该先让法国工人占据……我住的地方外国人太多了,”他说。

      上一篇:德国财长:欧元的确被低估,但不应怪德国 下一篇:近6万人签证因特朗普移民禁令被取消


