Lately, defaults have been rising as the government tries to restructure ailing state-owned enterprises. Wind, a data service provider, notes a “flurry” of defaults in the past three months, bringing the accumulated total of sour loans to $8bn — three times higher than at the end of last year. SOEs, once considered immune, account for nearly half of that.
As part of its push to open its markets to international capital, China is keen to stimulate overseas interest in its debt. Although the third-largest domestic bond market in the world, and growing rapidly, China’s fixed income market totalling nearly $10tn is still less than a third of the US market’s value. In an effort to grow, regulations regarding foreign investor access have been loosened. Last year the interbank bond market, which accounts for the majority of bond trading in China, was opened to qualified foreigners.
Efforts to pique foreign appetite have so far been only partly successful. Overseas investor buying increased as the market rallied last year. Still, they hold just 2 per cent of the total. Disincentives abound. Credit risk and the absence of a transparent process to handle defaults is still a deterrent. Poor-quality issuer information and questionable local ratings (nearly all issuers are rated A plus or above, according to Wind) do not help. And a period of renminbi depreciation hardly makes RMB assets attractive.
Fitch Rating notes that defaults have added to recent disruption in the asset class. Tightening liquidity and the expectation of rising US yields have led to a market sell-off; onshore corporate bond issuance fell one-third versus the previous year for the month of December as 82 deals were cancelled or delayed. In the long run, however, better allocated capital in China will bring clearer rewards.
惠誉评级(Fitch Ratings)指出,违约加剧了这种资产类别近期的震荡。流动性收紧和对美国收益率攀升的预期导致了一轮市场抛售。2016年12月,随着82宗交易被取消或推迟,在岸公司债券发行规模同比下降三分之一。不过,从长远来说,在中国配置更佳的资本将带来更清晰的回报。