Banks and other corporate borrowers have been quietly encouraged to raise money offshore in other currencies, limiting the need for Chinese companies to sell renminbi to finance overseas investments. Borrowing more outside the mainland also allows for the possibility that companies will remit some of the cash back home, bolstering the Chinese currency in the process.
Led by banks and property developers, corporate China has raised $26.1bn from offshore bond sales compared with $21bn at home, according to Dealogic. Chinese companies have also been prompted to seek foreign-based funding by the higher interest rates that policymakers have introduced this year.
Banks have long been among the most active in raising money in other currencies to support expansion overseas. This month the Hong Kong units of Bank of China and ICBC tapped investors for $4bn in two, three-year dollar-denominated deals, while China Construction Bank’s European arm raised €500m.
在以本币以外的货币筹集资金方面,银行长期跻身于最活跃的市场参与者之列,其目的是支持境外扩张。本月,中国银行(Bank of China)和中国工商银行(ICBC)的香港部门以两、三年期美元计价交易向投资者筹集40亿美元,而中国建设银行(CCB)的欧洲分支筹集了5亿欧元。
The flood of deals beyond the mainland also suggests a measure of corporate confidence that China has the renminbi’s depreciation under control, bankers say, since borrowers’ liabilities would increase sharply if the currency were to plunge.
Last year the renminbi weakened 5.8 per cent against the dollar in offshore markets and 6.5 per cent onshore. So far in 2017, the offshore rate has gained 1.7 per cent as the dollar’s rally has paused.
“There is a combination here of China encouraging borrowing offshore and people making judgments that the depreciation story may not be as severe as they thought,” said CG Lai, head of global markets for Greater China at BNP Paribas.
“两方面的因素在结合起来产生作用:一是中国鼓励境外借款,二是人们判断人民币贬值的情况可能没有他们原来想象的那么严重,”法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)大中华区环球市场部主管赖长庚(CG Lai)表示。
Mr Lai added that the early year uncertainty over the direction of Chinese interest rates also damped domestic activity as borrowers and investors faced tighter monetary conditions than expected. The People’s Bank of China surprised markets by tightening a series of money market rates after the week-long lunar new year holiday.
“January was extremely uncertain but people are now more comfortable that China is not changing its policy to ‘tight’ straight from ‘easy’, but is more neutral,” said Mr Lai. Those jitters were enough to push onshore yields far higher, with three-year corporate bonds averaging 5.56 per cent this year compared with 4.63 per cent in the last quarter of 2016.
Bankers do expect corporate China’s borrowing patterns to revert to type, with borrowing in the mainland outstripping foreign activity.
‘This is temporary because the onshore bond market is experiencing something of a market correction with a significant shift in the yield curve,” said one banker.