英国首相特里萨•梅(Theresa May)将于3月29日触发《里斯本条约》第50条(Article 50),从而开始为期两年的退欧倒计时,这将开启一段充斥着英国议会立法和与布鲁塞尔方面磋商的繁忙时期。
On Monday Downing Street pre-announced the date for the start of Brexit, a move partly intended to prepare markets for next week’s notification. The British prime minister will notify Donald Tusk, European Council president, on Wednesday of Britain’s intention to leave the EU. Brexit would take place by March 29 2019 unless the UK and all EU member states agree to extend divorce talks.
周一,唐宁街提前公布了启动退欧条款的日期,此举部分用意是为了让市场为下周的正式通知做好准备。英国首相将在周三把英国要退出欧盟(EU)意图告知欧洲理事会(European Council)主席唐纳德•图斯克(Donald Tusk)。英国退欧将发生在2019年3月29日之前——除非英国及欧盟所有成员国同意延长退欧谈判。
The pound dropped 0.4 per cent in less than an hour following the announcement of the Article 50 date, and fell further in afternoon trading.
Formal notification of the invoking of Article 50 is likely to be accompanied by a statement from Mrs May to the country, possibly from the steps of Downing Street, and another to the House of Commons. The prime minister is expected to set out Britain’s negotiating objectives in broad terms.
在发布启动第50条的正式通知的同时,梅可能还将向全国发表一份声明(该声明可能会在唐宁街的台阶上发表),并向英国下议院(House of Commons)也发布一份声明。预计首相还会泛泛列出英国在退欧谈判中的目标。