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    Theresa May’s government has faced down Nicola Sturgeon over a new Scottish independence referendum, ruling out a second vote until well after the UK leaves the EU in 2019 at the earliest.

    特里萨•梅(Theresa May)领导的英国政府就苏格兰再次举行独立公投向苏格兰首席大臣尼古拉•斯特金(Nicola Sturgeon)摊牌,排除了在2019年英国退欧过后很久之前举行二次公投的可能性。

    The UK government’s rejection of the Scottish first minister’s call for a referendum before or shortly after Brexit raises the stakes of Scotland’s constitutional debate and risks turning moderate voters against the three century-old union with England.


    In an interview with ITV, Mrs May said it was time to put “all of our energy” into getting a good deal with the EU and that voters would be unable to judge the new relationship by spring 2019.


    “We should be working together, not pulling apart,” the prime minister said. “Now is not the time [for another independence referendum].”


    Mrs May refused to give any more detail on timing, but Conservative colleagues made clear they were ruling out a Scottish referendum until long after Brexit — and also introduced tough new criteria for one to ever be approved.


    Ruth Davidson, Scottish Conservative leader, suggested unanimous support in the parliament for a new referendum — the previous one was held in 2014 — would be a precondition.

    苏格兰保守党领袖露丝•戴维森(Ruth Davidson)暗示,可能需要议会一致支持新的公投,上一次苏格兰独立公投在2014年举行。

    “At an absolute minimum . . . there should be agreement across political parties and from the public at large,” said Ms Davidson, who has previously argued that the UK government should not seek to block a second referendum.


    Ms Sturgeon said it would be a “democratic outrage” to reject the will of the Scottish parliament, where the Scottish Greens plan to back a motion next week from the minority Scottish National party government demanding a second referendum.

    斯特金表示,拒绝苏格兰议会的意愿将是一种“民主暴行”,苏格兰绿党(Scottish Greens)计划下周支持苏格兰民族党(Scottish National party)组建的少数党政府就要求举行二次公投提出的一项动议。

    Mrs May’s spokesman called for the vote to be called off.


    The first minister said: “If the prime minister refuses to engage on the terms of a referendum before Brexit takes place then she is effectively trying to block the people of Scotland having a choice over their future,”.


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