This month, the Century Star Elementary School in Yali township, part of Hebei province, organised a rally attended by about 400 students and staff. In a video posted online, students no older than 12 pledged to boycott South Korean products and “resist” the deployment of a US-operated Terminal High Altitude Area Defence system, or Thaad.
本月,河北省牙里镇世纪星小学(Century Star Elementary School)组织了一次由大约400名师生参加的集会。在一段网络视频中,年龄不超过12岁的学生们发誓要抵制韩国货,“抵制”美国运作的“末段高空区域防御系统”(THAAD,中文简称:萨德)的部署。
At the rally, a school teacher painted a grim picture of the potential consequences of the Thaad deployment. “South Korea is our neighbour,” the teacher said. “In the event of war, the US will turn China into a slaughterhouse. For China, [Thaad] is a fatal threat.”
The teacher urged the students to boycott South Korean trips, television programmes, cosmetics and any products sold by Lotte, the South Korean retailer whose parent company relinquished some of the land needed for Thaad’s deployment.
“Students, can we do this?” the teacher asks. “Can! Can! Can!” the students reply.
South Korean officials argue that Thaad is essential to their country’s defence, especially after North Korea’s recent ballistic missile tests. Last month’s assassination in Malaysia of the half-brother of North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un has added to their unease. Pyongyang’s agents are accused of using VX nerve agent, a banned chemical weapon, to assassinate Kim Jong Nam.
韩国官员声称,萨德对韩国防务十分必要——尤其是在朝鲜最近试射弹道导弹之后。上月,朝鲜统治者金正恩(Kim Jong Un)同父异母的哥哥金正男(Kim Jong Nam)在马来西亚遇刺,令韩国官员愈发感到不安。平壤方面的特工被指使用被禁化学武器VX神经毒剂刺杀金正男。
China counters that the Thaad deployment could alter the regional balance of power. Analysts believe Beijing ultimately fears the anti-missile system could be the basis of a future trilateral defence alliance uniting the US, South Korea and Japan.
Such complex arguments may be beyond the comprehension of most seven-year-olds but the principal of Century Star Elementary School believes he did the right thing in organising the rally. “Patriotic education should start when children are young,” Xing Xiaofeng told the Financial Times. “The students’ parents support me.”
A spokesperson for the South Korean embassy in Beijing said: “It is regrettable that children have been mobilised in rallies and boycott movements. The Chinese government needs to take appropriate measures to promote mutual understanding.”
The embassy added that it had sent a letter of protest to China’s education ministry, which said it had not encouraged schools to hold such rallies. The education ministry did not reply to requests for comment.
Such rallies are also controversial within China. “Such thorough brainwashing,” said one online critic of Mr Xing’s school rally. Another added that “this is crazy — children should not be used as props to disseminate hatred”.
Qiao Mu, professor at Beijing University of Foreign Languages, said such rallies could backfire. “Schools should not organise activities to agitate students,” he said. “What are they going to tell those children if Sino-South Korean relations improve?”
The campaign against Lotte and other South Korean companies is an example of how quickly political tides can shift in China. As of March 8, some 40 Lotte stores had been closed, often on spurious grounds such as alleged fire-code violations.
As recently as November, Chinese state media ran articles that lauded the retailer for funding “hope schools” and poor students in impoverished regions.