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    China’s soaring appetite for avocados, driven by demand from its burgeoning health-conscious middle class, has made the “butter fruit” — unheard of a few years ago — the country’s star performer in the imported fruit market.


    Exports from Latin American nations such as Mexico and Chile are rising by about 250 per cent a year, leaping from just 154 tonnes in 2012 to more than 25,000 tonnes in 2016.



    “More people are paying attention to healthy lifestyles and avocados meet that need,” said Zhang Hui, a sales manager at Fruitday, an online food delivery company.


    Even western fast-food brands such as KFC and McDonald’s are being forced to address the changing tastes of their affluent consumers.


    Yum China, which operates 5,000 KFC stores in the country, last month launched an “avocado series” of chicken burgers and wraps slathered with guacamole to help upgrade the image of its fried chicken chain, sourcing the fruit from Mexico.

    百胜中国(Yum China)在中国经营着5000家肯德基餐厅,上月它推出了牛油果系列鸡肉汉堡和鸡肉卷,用厚厚一层鳄梨酱来帮助提升其炸鸡连锁店的形象。该公司从墨西哥采购鳄梨。

    “It’s viewed as something quite premium and healthy,” said Joey Wat, Yum China’s chief operations officer. A planned three-week avocado promotion ended early due to high demand.

    “它被视为相当高级和健康的东西,”百胜中国首席运营官屈翠容(Joey Wat)表示。由于需求高涨,原本计划3周的鳄梨推广活动最终提前结束。

    China has almost no experience in commercial avocado cultivation, meaning imports are likely to dominate the market for years.


    Mexico began exports to China in 2011, when the avocado was still “a very rare fruit”, according to Alejandro Salas, a Mexican trade commissioner in Shanghai. He predicts that Chinese demand will help Mexico diversify away from the US, its top market. “This market will be the second largest,” he said.

    墨西哥驻上海领事馆商务领事夏涵(Alejandro Salas)介绍,墨西哥于2011年开始向中国出口鳄梨,当时鳄梨还是“一种非常罕见的水果”。他预计,中国对鳄梨的需求将帮助墨西哥的出口多元化,减少对其最大市场美国的依赖。“这个市场将是第二大市场,”他称。

    Mexican officials have held events to promote the fruit, teaching chefs about avocado and tofu smoothies — but last year the country was overtaken by Chile as the dominant exporter to China. Chile has the advantage of a free-trade agreement with China, while Mexican fruit imports have a 10 per cent tariff.


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