A study by the Oxford Migration Observatory suggests that the currency fluctuation will have a variety of different effects on future immigration flows depending on the reasons for a migrants coming to Britain.
牛津大学移民观察(Oxford Migration Observatory)的研究表明,汇率波动将对未来移民流产生多种不同的影响,具体都有些什么影响要看移民来英国的原因。
International students, for instance, stand to make savings because the weak pound reduces the annual of £13,500 undergraduate tuition fees for overseas applicants. Chinese students will have experienced a 13 per cent cut in fees between the June Brexit referendum and the December 2016, while those paying in US dollars would have saved 17 per cent, and those using the South African rand by 20 per cent. This does not take into account further reductions in living costs.
The findings are significant because the currency shift may help to reverse the recent falls in the number of international students coming to study at British universities.
According to the most recent figures, immigration of students fell by nearly a quarter to 134,000 in the year to September 2016. In particular, number of Indian students arriving at UK universities halved under the last parliament.
On the other hand, the weak pound risks deterring foreign workers, particularly those in low-wage jobs. The Migration Observatory has calculated that Poles converting sterling into zloty would have received nearly 10 per cent less between the referendum and the end of 2016, while those sending Indian Rupees back home would have seen a fall of nearly 15 per cent.
Carlos Vargas-Silva, acting director of the Observatory, said there was no “hard evidence” that the currency change was affecting foreign workers in the UK, “but if you look at the sectors such as agriculture, employers are saying they have to pay more to attract the Eastern European workers they used before the currency change”.
牛津移民观察的代理主任卡洛斯•巴尔加斯-席尔瓦(Carlos Vargas-Silva)称,没有“确凿证据”显示汇率变化正在影响在英国工作的外国工人,“但如果你观察一些行业,比如农业,雇主都在说,为了吸引汇率变动前为他们干活的东欧工人,他们现在不得不支付更高的工资”。
“Currencies and exchange rates is just one of many factors affecting migrant behaviour, but if you come to work in a country then the value of the money you’re earning and how much you can send back is an important issue in your decision about where to work,” he said.
Farms and food processing companies have struggled to recruit eastern European workers post-Brexit. This is thought to be a combination of the effect of the weaker pound and a feeling of being less welcome in the UK since the referendum.
There is a historical precedent for currency changes affecting economic migrants. Research by the UK’s Department for Work and Pensions suggests that during the 2007-09 financial crisis, the sterling-zloty exchange rate was tightly correlated with the outflow of eastern European migrants. However, this was also a time when UK unemployment was rising sharply which may have been an additional factor.
汇率变化影响经济移民的情况是有历史先例的。英国工作与养老金部(Department for Work and Pensions)的研究表明,在2007-2009年金融危机期间,英镑对兹罗提汇率与东欧移民流出密切相关。不过那段时期英国失业率急剧上升,可能也是导致东欧移民流出的一个因素。
In the short-term, Mr Vargas-Silva warned that the currency fluctuations alone are not likely to cause “an increase or decrease in immigration across the board”.
“The differing effects for each group mean this will make the UK more attractive for some migrants, and less for others,” he said. “If the devaluation of the pound turns out to be a long-term trend which lasts, then we will start to see subtle effects in the immigration figures.”