何海军夫妇拍摄的车祸现场。中国青年报·中青在线记者 王梦影/制作
The first thing you see at this house is a huge yellow banner with the Chinese character for "slow."
That's because 48 cars and trucks barrelled into the family's front yard last year alone.
According to a report by the Beijing Youth Daily, the house in Heilongjiang, northern China, is situated by a road leading to a highway.
The house is by a 90-degree angled junction, so cars can't slow down in time when taking the turn after the highway — and end up crashing through the house's fencing.
It wasn't always a junction.

The homeowners, 29-year-old Xu Renxiang and her husband, He Haijun, have lived on the plot of lane before the 90-degree road was built.
Xu estimates that more than 100 accidents have occurred in the family's front yard since the road came up some seven years ago.
The couple have banned their daughter from playing in the yard, for fear of her getting hit by a car.
Officials are reportedly looking into the problem — the county government is doing a safety audit.
For the moment, though, Xu has barricaded her front yard with bricks, gravel and sand as a buffer, to stop cars from doing actual damage to her house.
"If we knew that (officials) were going to build the bend in front of our house, we'd have built our house a little further back," Xu said.