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    Ant Financial, the payments affiliate of Alibaba, says it has doubled its daily active users in the year to the end of March.

    阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的支付业务关联公司蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)表示,其日活用户人数在截至3月底的一年里翻了一倍。

    Much of the growth came in the first quarter of this year, with numbers up 40 per cent on the previous quarter, according to Ant Financial.


    Alibaba, which reports results today, has a profit-sharing agreement under which it takes 37.5 per cent of Ant’s pre-tax profits.


    Ant does not disclose the number of active daily users of its Alipay service, but says it has a total of 450m people using its payments and other financial services, including wealth management and insurance. 蚂蚁金服并未披露其支付宝(Alipay)服务的日活用户人数,而是表示总计有4.5亿人使用其支付和其他金融服务,包括理财和保险。

    The rate of user growth, hitherto undisclosed, comes as competition is heating up in China’s $5.5tn mobile payments market — the world’s biggest and 50 times the size of the US market.


    Ant had long dominated the market with Alipay, launched in 2004 as a PayPal-type service to facilitate payment on Alibaba’s ecommerce platforms.


    But Tencent — one of China’s dominant internet trinity (along with Alibaba and Baidu, collectively known as BAT) has made rapid strides in the past year. Tencent’s WeixinPay now boasts a 37 per cent market share to Alipay’s 54 per cent, based on fourth-quarter data.


    Tencent has been rapidly signing up physical stores: Starbucks this week said 29 per cent of all sales at its 2,628 cafés in mainland China are now paid for with WeixinPay.


    Ant has fought back, likewise signing up physical retailers. Earlier this month it agreed a partnership with First Data that gives it access to a potential 4.5m merchants in the US. It has a similar arrangement in Europe with Ingenico and BNP.

    蚂蚁金服发起了还击,同样签下了实体零售商。这个月早些时候,该公司与First Data达成了合作,为它打开美国450万潜在商家的大门。在欧洲,蚂蚁金服也与Ingenico及法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)达成了类似安排。

    Cyril Han, vice-president of Ant Financial, said Ant is focusing on building its technology, shifting “from fintech to techfin”, meaning it wants to prioritise providing the tech platform for financial services over the services themselves.

    蚂蚁金服副总裁韩歆毅(Cyril Han)表示,该公司正聚焦于打造自身的技术,“从金融科技转向科技金融”,这意味着蚂蚁金服希望把为金融服务提供技术平台摆在比服务本身更优先的地位。

    Markets had been banking on an initial public offering from Ant — valued at $60bn at its last funding round in 2016 — proving to be the highlight of this year’s calendar, but the listing is off the agenda until at least the end of next year, the Financial Times reported this week.


      上一篇:跨国药企从中国医药改革新规中看到利好 下一篇:联想宣布重组并聚焦中国


