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    Questions about the ultimate ownership of Anbang Insurance, one of China’s most acquisitive groups, are once again causing trouble for the company and one of its US deals.

    有关中国最具收购意识的集团之一安邦保险(Anbang Insurance)最终所有权的问题,再次给该公司及其一笔美国交易带来麻烦。

    A US union conducting contract negotiations for a hotel that was part of Anbang’s $6.5bn acquisition of Strategic Hotels & Resorts has raised a fundamental question that has frustrated banks and other counterparties that have dealt with it: who controls the mysterious Chinese group?

    作为安邦65亿美元收购Strategic Hotels & Resorts交易的一部分,为一家酒店进行合同谈判的一个美国工会,提出了一个困扰银行及其他交易对手方的根本问题:谁控制着这家神秘的中国企业?

    Probing questions into the company’s ownership structure have upended some of Anbang’s bids on US assets.


    In May last year, Anbang dropped a regulatory application to New York’s Department of Financial Services for approval of its $1.57bn buyout of Fidelity & Guaranty Life after the DFS sought repeatedly “to obtain information necessary to review and process Anbang’s application”.

    去年5月,在纽约州金融服务管理局(DFS)再三试图“获得审核和处理安邦申请所必需的信息”后,安邦放弃了希望DFS批准其以15.7亿美元收购美国信保人寿(Fidelity & Guaranty Life)的监管申请。

    Fidelity & Guaranty Life formally terminated the agreement with Anbang in April this year.


    The true shareholdings of unlisted Anbang are murky and its backers have never been fully revealed. The group is led by the politically connected Wu Xiaohui, who is married to the granddaughter of Deng Xiaoping, China’s former leader and the architect of the country’s transition out of a planned economy.


    During an eight-month period in 2014, the privately owned company’s registered capital expanded fivefold but the huge injection of cash into the group has never been fully explained.


    Some global banks in Asia have expressed reluctance to work with Anbang given “know your customer” regulations that require counterparties to grasp the identities of the beneficial owners of groups they deal with.


    In a letter addressed to Philip Yee, a managing director at Anbang’s New York office, and to the general manager of the Westin St Francis in San Francisco, the union Unite Here stated: “We are requesting a list of all shareholders of Anbang including names, address and per cent owned.”

    在写给安邦纽约办公室董事总经理菲利普•伊(Philip Yee)以及旧金山威斯汀圣弗朗西斯酒店(Westin St. Francis)的总经理的信中,Unite Here工会表示:“我们要求得到安邦所有股东的列表,包括姓名、地址和所持股份。”

    Unite Here’s website says it represents 270,000 people working in hotels, airports, transportation and laundry services in the US and Canada.

    Unite Here的网站写道,它代表在美国和加拿大的酒店、机场、交通和洗衣服务行业工作的27万人。

    The union also raised security concerns following Anbang’s acquisitions of the Waldorf Astoria in New York in 2014 for $2bn. Following the takeover, Barack Obama, then US president, stopped staying at the hotel, which had been his residence while in the city.

    2014年在安邦以20亿美元收购了纽约华尔道夫酒店(Waldorf Astoria)后,该工会也提出了安全问题。收购完成后,时任美国总统的巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)不再在该酒店下榻,而过去该酒店一直是奥巴马在纽约时的住所。

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