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    Taiwan is set to be the first place in Asia to allow gay marriage after a landmark ruling by the island’s constitutional court.


    The court said existing laws stipulating wedlock must be between a man and a woman “was in violation of both the people’s freedom of marriage . . . and the people’s right to equality”.


    Sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic that is immutable to change,” said the court, also known as the Judicial Yuan. “The freedom of marriage for two persons of the same sex . . . will constitute the collective basis, together with opposite-sex marriage, for a stable society.”


    The ruling is a first for the world’s largest continent, where more conservative countries including China do not recognise same-sex unions and in some cases are taking a harder line against homosexuality. It also confirms Taiwan’s reputation as one of Asia’s most socially liberal societies.


    “This is definitely one of the most exciting moments in the history of LGBT rights in Taiwan,” said Leslie Li, a student at National Taiwan University in Taipei.

    “这肯定是台湾LGBT(女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋及跨性别者群体)权利历史上最激动人心的时刻之一,”位于台北的台湾大学(National Taiwan University)的学生Leslie Li表示。

    China has claimed sovereignty over Tai­wan since 1949 when the Chinese Com­munist party defeated its rival the Nationalist party, or Kuomintang, in a civil war. The KMT lost last year’s Taiwan presidential election to the pro-independence Democratic Progressive party, which supported gay marriage.


    Members of China’s LGBT community hailed the ruling. “It will form an important part of our strategy for the LGBT rights movement in China and be a good guide for Chinese law,” said Wei Xiaogang, executive director of Beijing Gender, a non-governmental organisation that lobbies for LGBT rights.

    中国大陆LGBT群体为这项裁决欢呼。“这将构成大陆LGBT权利运动战略的重要部分,并很好地指引大陆法律,”为LGBT权利进行游说的非政府组织北京纪安德咨询中心(Beijing Gender)执行主任魏建刚表示。

    “Mainland couples will go to Taiwan to get married,” Mr Wei predicted. “And Taiwanese LGBT people will be able to marry their mainland partners.”


    The Chinese government in Beijing is suspicious of Taiwan’s president and DPP standard-bearer, Tsai Ing-wen, fearing her efforts to promote the isl­a­nd’s cultural distinctiveness are really aimed at advancing her party’s indepen­d­ence platform. Ms Tsai’s win in Janu­ary last year made her the first democratically elected female ruler of a Chinese society.

    中国政府对台湾总统、民进党领导人蔡英文(Tsai Ing-wen)持怀疑态度,担心她推动台湾文化独特性的努力实际上是为了推进其政党的台独纲领。蔡英文在去年1月赢得台湾大选,使得她成为了中国社会中通过民主选举产生的首位女性统治者。

    “Taiwan’s progress is rooted in its soc­ial system and tolerance,” said Shi Ful­ong, a lawyer who tried to help a Chinese gay couple register their marriage two years ago. The application was rejected.


    “In China, we are only at the starting point when it come to legalising same-sex marriage,” Mr Shi added. “The government needs to consider social customs and public acceptance. I think it will take another 20 years.


    ”Gay marriage is also not recognised in the Chinese “special administrative reg­ions” of Hong Kong and Macau, where the Roman Catholic Church, which has no diplomatic ties with mainland China, remains a powerful institution.

    中国香港和澳门特别行政区也不承认同性婚姻,那里的罗马天主教会(Roman Catholic Church,与中国内地没有外交关系)仍然是影响力强大的机构。

    Xin Ying, director of the Beijing LGBT centre, said: “Taiwan’s move will propel LGBT movements across Asia.”

    北京同志中心(Beijing LGBT Centre)主任辛莹(音译)表示,“台湾此举将推动整个亚洲的LGBT运动。”

      上一篇:西方自由主义的困境 下一篇:穆迪下调评级凸显中国面临的挑战


