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    Emmanuel Macron could have chosen to humiliate Theresa May when the two leaders met in Paris. Wise beyond his years, the French president told the prime minister that the door was still open to rethink Britain’s relationship with the EU. Britain should take Mr Macron at his word. There is a path out of the Brexit mess. It requires the reassertion of the national interest over that of the Conservative party.

    埃马纽埃尔•马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)本可以在与特里萨•梅(Theresa May)在巴黎会面时对梅羞辱一番。这位睿智程度超过本人年龄的法国总统告诉英国首相,重新思考英国与欧盟(EU)关系的大门仍然敞开着。英国应该抓住马克龙的话。有一条路径可以走出英国退欧的乱局。它要求重新把国家利益置于保守党利益之上。

    In the pantheon of prime ministerial failures, Mrs May runs a close race with her predecessor David Cameron. As things stand, Mr Cameron claims the prize. The purpose of his premiership never reached beyond a sense of entitlement. His Brexit referendum reflected at once weakness and insouciant self-regard. He would first bow to the Tory Eurosceptics and then beat them.

    在英国首相失误的“纪念堂”里,梅与前任戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)可谓相差无几。目前来看,胜出的是卡梅伦。他担任首相的目的从未超越一种特权意识。他的英国退欧公投同时反映出软弱和漫不经心的自我欣赏。他以为,他可以先向保守党的疑欧派屈服,然后击败他们。

    Mrs May’s botched general election was more a matter of simple opportunism. She looked at the opinion polls, saw a chance to cast herself as the Iron Lady of Brexit, and fluffed it. Mr Cameron’s dismal record is fixed forever in the history books. Mrs May still has a chance to write a redeeming codicil.


    The presumption uniting the two leaders has been that Britain’s place in its own continent is the private property of their party. From Margaret Thatcher’s defenestration in 1990 to John Major’s battles with so-called cabinet “bastards”, Mr Cameron’s plebiscite and Mrs May’s promised hard Brexit, the national interest has been subsumed in a private war. Now, a deal with the EU will be possible only if the prime minister puts country before party.

    把两位领导人团结在一起的是这样一种假设:英国在其自身所属大陆的地位,是他们所在的政党的私有财产。从玛格丽特•撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)在1990年被抛弃到约翰•梅杰(John Major)与所谓的内阁“混蛋”之间的斗争,从卡梅伦的全民公投到梅承诺的硬退欧,国家利益被一场私人战争吞噬。如今,只有梅将国家置于政党之上,与欧盟的协议才有可能达成。

    The British people did not express a preference in the referendum as to what sort of Brexit they wanted. Insofar as they have given an opinion since, it has been to reject Mrs May’s prescription. She put national immigration controls and a purist’s view of sovereignty above prosperity and security. And she lost.


    The first requirement now is for a measure of humility — though you could also call it realism. Mrs May could do worse than take a look at Europe through the lens of Paris, Berlin, or Brussels. British weakness is mirrored by growing continental confidence.


    The EU27 have problems, certainly — think about resurgent authoritarianism in Poland and Hungary — but optimism has replaced pessimism as the prevailing emotion. The eurozone economy is growing, the election of a reformist French president promises to revive the Franco-German partnership, and leaders have united in their disdain of Donald Trump’s US administration. No one is following Britain’s lead in heading for the exit, and no one feels compelled to offer concessions to Mrs May.

    当然,27个成员国的欧盟是有问题的,想想波兰和匈牙利再次复活的威权主义吧,但乐观已取代悲观,成为当前的主导情绪。欧元区经济在增长,法国选出一名改革派总统有望重振法德合作,而各国领导人共同鄙视唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)领导的美国行政当局。没有一个国家仿效英国退出欧盟,也没有人认为有必要向梅做出让步。

    A British reset — and it probably falls on Philip Hammond, the chancellor, to persuade the prime minister — should start with the recognition that the previously imagined hard Brexit is impossible as well as undesirable. A distasteful electoral pact with Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist party makes no difference. The government does not have the numbers to legislate for a clean break. Nor does it have the time or administrative capacity to negotiate a bespoke arrangement.

    英国重启立场——说服首相的任务很可能落在财政大臣菲利普•哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)身上——应该从承认之前想象的硬退欧既不可能也不可取开始。与北爱尔兰的民主联盟党(Democratic Unionist party)签订令人恶心的选举协议并没有什么帮助。英国政府没有足够的议会席位来立法实现“干净退欧”。它也没有时间和行政能力来谈判达成一项定制安排。

    The answer is a two-stage process. In the first, lasting perhaps five years beyond 2019, Britain would remain in the customs union and the single market through an arrangement within the European Economic Area — similar though not identical to that enjoyed by Norway. This pause, perhaps including a two-year notice clause if either side wished to withdraw, would allow for talks on a subsequent permanent association pact, embracing security and foreign policy as well as trade.

    答案是两阶段过程。首先,可能在直到2019年后的5年内,英国仍然通过欧洲经济区(European Economic Area)内部的安排,留在关税同盟和单一市场内——与挪威的地位相似(尽管不完全相同)。这一暂缓阶段(可能包括2年的通知期——如果其中一方想要退出)将允许就接下来的永久性联系国协议展开谈判,解决安全、外交政策以及贸易方面的安排。

    It goes without saying that such a deal would disadvantage Britain relative to today. It would be swapping a significant voice and influence in the shaping of European affairs for a small measure of autonomy. But this is in the nature of the Brexit decision. The choice is not one between “good” and “bad”, but one between less and more damaging.


    A two-stage plan would have attractions for the EU27. Most obviously it would avoid the shock of a chaotic Brexit and would guarantee for several years ahead Britain’s contribution to the Brussels budget. Put crudely, Germany and France would not have to pay in more and the likes of Poland and Slovakia would not be obliged to accept less. 两阶段计划对欧盟27国也会有吸引力。最明显的好处是,它可以避免英国无序退欧带来的冲击,也可以确保未来几年英国继续对欧盟预算做出贡献。直白地讲,如此一来德国和法国不需要增加支出,而波兰和斯洛伐克等国获得的拨款也不必减少。

    The bigger reason, though, is that a relatively smooth Brexit would give Germany, France and others the space to press ahead with deeper integration of eurozone economies and closer collaboration in defence and foreign policies — to add economic and political to the present monetary union.


    The EU emerging from such a process would be one of concentric circles of nations radiating outwards according to their willingness to agree more or less co-ordination of national policies. There might well be space in one of the outer circles for a Britain anxious to maintain autonomy over economic policies, but willing to contribute more, say, to a European foreign policy.


    Hardline Brexiters will accept none of this. They are deluded. Negotiating this “soft” Brexit would not be a trouble-free endeavour. Britain would secure only limited concessions on free movement of workers. The objections, though, melt away when measured against the inanity of the Brexiters’ have-our-cake-and-eat-it deal or the certain chaos of a cliff-edge departure. There also happens to be a majority in parliament for an intelligent Brexit. So what is it going to be Mrs May — party or country?


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