阿里巴巴(Alibaba)支持的百世物流(Best Logistics)已申请在纽约上市,拟筹资10亿美元,这可能是中资公司今年在美国进行的最大规模上市。
The initial public offering is seeking to tap investor interest in Chinese ecommerce and the country’s fast-growing logistics industry, which delivered 31bn parcels last year, some 50 per cent up on the previous year.
Best Logistics, which will be known as Best Inc in the US, was valued at $3bn in a funding round last year. Alibaba — a driving force in the development of delivery and logistics in China because of its commanding online presence — is the biggest single shareholder with 23.4 per cent. Founder Johnny Chou holds 14.7 per cent.
在去年的一轮融资中,百世物流的估值达到30亿美元,该公司在美国的名称将变更为Best Inc。阿里巴巴是该公司最大单一股东,持股23.4%。创始人周韶宁(Johnny Chou)持有14.7%的股权。强大的在线地盘使阿里巴巴成为中国快递和物流发展的推动力量。
Best plans to use the cash raised to fund the group’s expansion plans. Revenues have almost trebled in the past three years to $1.3bn. Losses meanwhile have nearly doubled to $198m last year.
China’s logistics industry now accounts for a quarter of the $9tn-a-year global industry.
The IPO, expected to take place after the summer, comes as interest in China among international investors is beginning to pick up after years of scepticism according to brokers in Asia.
Last week, MSCI became the first global index provider to include domestic Chinese equities, known as A-shares, in its global benchmarks — a move that will force fund managers following its indices to invest onshore.
But US interest in New York-listed Chinese stocks has been mixed outside of blockbusters such as Alibaba’s own record $25bn initial public offering in 2014.
Shares in rival Chinese logistics group ZTO Express have fallen 26 per cent since the company floated in New York in October last year with a valuation of $12bn. Alibaba shares have strongly rallied since the start of the year and were trading at $142.71 mid-afternoon in New York. The Alibaba IPO priced at $68 per share.
自去年10月在纽约上市以来(当时的估值为120亿美元),中国另一家物流公司中通快递(ZTO Express)的股价已累计下跌26%。自今年初以来,阿里巴巴股价一直强劲飙升,昨日下午在纽约达到142.71美元。阿里巴巴IPO时的发行价为每股68美元。
US-listed Chinese floats peaked at 39 deals in 2010, but there have been far fewer since then, according to data from Dealogic. Best would be only the fourth such listing this year and the largest since ZTO.
Matthew Kennedy, an analyst at Renaissance Capital, which runs exchange traded funds that focus on IPOs, said appetite for US-listed Chinese groups varied and investors approached them on a case-by case basis.
提供聚焦于IPO的交易所交易基金(ETF)的Renaissance Capital的分析师马修•肯尼迪(Matthew Kennedy)表示,投资者对在美上市的中资集团的兴趣存在差异,他们根据具体情况区别对待这些公司。
He said that “since Alibaba owns an interest in Best, people might view that favourably”.
Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank are leading the Best deal.
负责百世物流此次IPO的投行包括花旗集团(Citigroup)、瑞信(Credit Suisse)、高盛(Goldman Sachs)、摩根大通(JPMorgan)和德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)。