美国证券交易委员会(SEC)推迟批准中资牵头的收购芝加哥证券交易所(Chicago Stock Exchange)的交易,这是该笔已招致美国立法者大量阻力的交易受到的最新挫折。
SEC staff had earlier recommended approval of the deal for one of the US’s oldest stock exchanges and the first proposed Chinese takeover of a US bourse.
However, in a technical and legalistic letter to the exchange, SEC secretary Brent Fields wrote that the deal would be delayed, pending a review of a rule change.
不过,在发给该证交所的一封技术性和死抠法律条文的公函中,SEC秘书布伦特•菲尔茨(Brent Fields)写道,在审查一项规则变更之前,这笔交易将被延迟。
Chinese acquisitions of US assets — including foreign businesses with operations on US soil — have been heavily scrutinised by US regulators over the past two years.
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or Cfius, has become one of the main hurdles for Chinese companies hoping to buy sensitive technology in the US and Europe.
美国外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,简称CFIUS)已成为希望在美国和欧洲收购敏感技术的中资公司的主要障碍之一。
Lu Shengju, the owner of Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group, the main group looking to buy the Chicago Stock Exchange, said the deal would benefit China’s financial development while bringing “exciting Chinese growth companies to US investors”.
寻求收购芝加哥证券交易所的主要集团——重庆财信企业集团(Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group)的所有者卢生举表示,这笔交易将有利于中国的金融发展,同时把令人振奋的中国成长型企业介绍给美国投资者。
Founded in 1882, the Chicago Stock Exchange is the smallest of designated US exchanges with about 1 per cent of US equity trading.
Within days of announcing that the Chinese-led consortium had agreed to buy CSE — in early February last year — a group of 46 US lawmakers urged the Obama administration to submit the deal to a national security review.
Echoing past concerns on the true controlling shareholders of Chinese groups targeting US assets, Robert Pittenger, a Republican member of the House of Representatives, organised a letter to the US Treasury that said Casin Enterprise lacked transparency and may have ties to the Chinese government.
共和党众议员罗伯特•皮滕杰(Robert Pittenger)带头致函美国财政部,提到美方以往对有意收购美国资产的中资集团的真实控股股东身份的担忧,称财信企业缺乏透明度,可能与中国政府有联系。
Before his election to the US presidency, Donald Trump at a campaign rally also raised the deal as an example of how Chinese companies were usurping US jobs and wealth.
在当选美国总统之前,唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)曾在一个竞选集会上以这笔交易为例,说明中资企业正在如何窃取美国的就业机会和财富。
The SEC pushed back against accusations of Chinese government involvement and Cfius approved the deal in December.
Chinese investors including Casin Enterprise, Chongqing Jintian Industrial and Chongqing Longshang Decoration would own 49.5 per cent of the exchange through NA Casin Holdings if the purchase were approved.
如果这笔收购获得批准,包括财信企业、重庆锦天实业有限公司(Chongqing Jintian Industrial)和重庆龙尚装饰有限公司(Chongqing Longshang Decoration)在内的中国投资者,将通过NA Casin Holdings持有芝加哥证交所49.5%股份。
Other owners would include Raptor, a private investment company of James Palotta, the president and chairman of AS Roma and a co-owner of the Boston Celtics, and Saliba, a private company of Anthony Saliba, the former chief executive of LiquidPoint, a Chicago-based options technology company.
其他东家将包括:AS Roma总裁兼董事长、波士顿凯尔特人队(Boston Celtics)共同所有人詹姆斯•帕洛塔(James Palotta)的私人投资公司Raptor,以及总部位于芝加哥的期权技术公司LiquidPoint的前首席执行官安东尼•萨利巴(Anthony Saliba)的私人公司Saliba。
Mr Lu, a tycoon based in the south-west Chinese city of Chongqing, owns nearly 75 per cent of Casin Enterprise. His son Jay Lu, a US citizen, is vice-president of the acquisition vehicle NA Casin and the family’s collective voting interest in this vehicle is fixed at 20 per cent.
常住中国西南城市重庆的富豪卢生举拥有财信企业近75%股份,其子Jay Lu为美国公民,担任收购工具NA Casin副总裁,卢氏家族在这个工具中的集体投票权固定在20%。