美国商务部(US Department of Commerce )公布的初步调查结果显示,中国铝箔生产商获得了幅度为16.56%至80.97%的补贴。
The commerce department said in a statement released on Tuesday evening that it would instruct customs to collect cash deposits from importers of aluminium foil from China “based on these preliminary rates.”
The department is scheduled to announce its final findings in the case on October 24. It estimated US imports of aluminium foil from China totalled $389m in 2016.
The department said it calculated preliminary subsidy rates of 28.33 per cent and 16.56 per cent for Dingsheng Aluminum Industries (Hong Kong) Trading and Jiangsu Zhongji Lamination Materials, the two companies that participated in the proceeding. It determined subsidy rates for Loften Aluminum, Manakin Industries Suzhou Manakin Aluminum Processing Technology based on available information, as these three companies declined to participate.
该部表示,经其计算,参与到此次调查过程中来的两家公司鼎胜铝业(香港)贸易公司(Dingsheng Aluminum Industries (Hong Kong) Trading)和江苏中基复合材料(Jiangsu Zhongji Lamination Materials)的初步补贴率分别为28.33%和16.56%。它还根据现有的信息裁定了鲁丰铝业(Loften Aluminium)、迈奈金工业公司(Manakin Industries)和苏州迈奈金铝加工技术公司(Suzhou Manakin Aluminum Processing Technology)的补贴率,这三家公司拒绝参与此次调查过程。
But it noted that the case in question was independent of the Aluminium 232 investigation, launched by an executive order from Donald Trump on April 27, 2017 to determine whether aluminium overcapacity, dumping, illegal subsidies, and other factors threatened US national security.
但美国商务部指出,本案独立于针对进口铝产品的“232调查”,后者是由唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump) 2017年4月27日的一项行政令发起的,旨在判定铝产能过剩、倾销、非法补贴等因素是否威胁到了美国的国家安全。
Results from that 232 probe, along with another such investigation into steel imports, have yet to be published.
The price of aluminium on Tuesday traded above $2,000 a tonne for the first time in almost three years as China continues to crackdown on pollution and reform its bloated industrial base.