朝鲜表示,它正考虑向美国在太平洋关岛的军事基地附近水域发射4枚中远程战略弹道火箭。这让美国国务卿雷克斯•蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)此前寻求缓和的紧张局势再度升级。
The Korean People’s Army said it was “seriously examining the plan for an enveloping strike at Guam through simultaneous fire of four Hwasong-12 intermediate-range strategic ballistic rockets in order to interdict the enemy forces on major military bases on Guam and to signal a crucial warning to the US,” state-run media KCNA said.
US President Donald Trump on Tuesday warned that further threats from North Korea would be met with “fire and fury like the world has never seen”, although officials later played this down.
美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)周二警告说,朝鲜的进一步威胁将会遭遇“世界从未见识过的火与怒”。美国官员后来对这一言论作了淡化。
It was not immediately clear whether the latest aggressive statement from the North Korean army — which stipulated it would deliver a detailed plan to the country’s leader Kim Jong Un by mid-August — qualified as a threat by Mr Trump’s terms.
目前还不清楚按照特朗普的说法,朝鲜军方放出的最新狠话是否算是一种威胁。朝鲜军方明确表示,将到8月中旬完成详细的方案,上报朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)。
Mr Tillerson had earlier claimed that North Korea posed no “imminent threat”, just hours after Pyongyang first said it could target Guam. He also highlighted diplomatic efforts to rein in Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programmes even as US allies and partners warned that the crisis risked spilling out of control.
“I think Americans should sleep well at night, have no concerns about this particular rhetoric of the last few days,” Mr Tillerson said on Wednesday after stopping in Guam as he returned to the US from Malaysia.
Jim Mattis, US secretary of defence, said on Wednesday that while the state department was “making every effort to resolve this global threat through diplomatic means,” the US and its allies commanded “the most precise, rehearsed and robust defensive and offensive capabilities on earth.”
美国国防部长吉姆•马蒂斯(Jim Mattis)周三表示,在美国国务院正“全力通过外交手段化解这一全球威胁”的同时,美国及其盟友也掌握着“地球上最精准、最训练有素、最强有力的防御和进攻能力。”
He said North Korea “should cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people” and warned it would lose any arms race or conflict it initiates.
The US is struggling to contain Pyongyang’s accelerating nuclear missile programme amid fears the two sides could miscalculate in their brinkmanship.
While Washington has previously said that no talks can take place unless North Korea makes commitments on giving up its nuclear programme, China — Pyongyang’s most significant trading and diplomatic partner — has called for both sides to freeze regional military activities and pursue talks at once.